Nice to see It in Django,
Il lun 19 ago 2019, 19:50 Rainer Hoerbe <rainer at hoerbe.at> ha scritto:
I drafted a new consent service based on Django:
https://github.com/identinetics/simpleconsent/blob/master/README.adoc [1]
I weighted the complexity of CMservice, its lack of documentation and
community support vs being an already deployed project. I think that I will
drop CMservice and go ahead with developing simpleconsent in second half of
September, unless someone would propose an alternative.
Any encouragement or dissuation? A consideration is that Django does not
work with SQLAlchemy, which is a different type of ORM. But I would need to
stick to Django for development speed.
Otherwise there are many ways to make sqlalchemy works in Django, It can
depends by your implementation taste
- Rainer
[1] @Heather: Is there an RFC that dismisses the use of „simple“ in
project names? My excuse is, that SCAR (Simple Consent for Attribute
Release) did not sound well, either.
Am 2019-08-15 um 20:16 schrieb Rainer Hoerbe <rainer at hoerbe.at>:
Thanks for the quick answer. I hope that we can cover this in the idpy
call next week, as I will be on vacation fro 2weeks afterwards.
I would be interested in your assessment of the code. On my side, I am
unhappy that the APi is undocumented and has to be reverse engineered from
the view definitions etc.
- Rainer
Am 2019-08-15 um 20:06 schrieb Christos Kanellopoulos <
christos.kanellopoulos at geant.org>:
Hi Rainer
We have done some further work on the CM service and we have fixed various
bugs. Now not myself and Ivan are on holidays. Next week we will not be
back and share the updated code.
Having said this, we are seriously thinking to abandon this code base and
develop a cm l component from scratch.
*From:* Rainer Hoerbe <rainer at hoerbe.at>
*Sent:* Thursday, August 15, 2019 8:22:13 PM
*To:* Christos Kanellopoulos <christos.kanellopoulos at geant.org>
*Subject:* Re: CMservice gitlab export
Hi Christos,
The integration of CMservice into SATOSA is again on the top of my todo
list. When I added your tar-ball from 22. May, I notices that the unit
tests have not been updated to reflect the changes in src. I fixed this in
https://github.com/its-dirg/CMservice/pull/11, and a few dependency
Is there any new status on the GÉANt branch of the project? Any new
commits? I would like to know if there is a chance to consolidate efforts
wrt this project. do you know, or do you know someone who might know?
Cheers, Rainer
Am 2019-05-22 um 12:02 schrieb Christos Kanellopoulos <
christos.kanellopoulos at geant.org>:
Hello Rainer,
find it attached. Yesterday afternoon, became really late night.
On 22 May 2019, at 11:54, Rainer Hoerbe wrote:
May I send a friendly reminder?
Am 2019-05-21 um 08:47 schrieb Christos Kanellopoulos <
christos.kanellopoulos at geant.org>:
Hello Rainer
I am at the hospital, but I will be able to send it to you later this
*From:* Rainer Hoerbe <rainer at hoerbe.at>
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2019 9:46 AM
*To:* Christos Kanellopoulos
*Subject:* CMservice gitlab export
Hi Christos,
You mentioned in the last idpy meeting that I might get a copy of Geant’s
CMService repo on gitlab. Whom would I ask to get it?
Thanks and best regards
Christos Kanellopoulos
Senior Trust & Identity Manager
M: +31 611 477 919
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