Hi Marco,
You might want to increase the logging severity for XML tooling in your test Shib instance
and study the log.
- Rainer
Von meinem iPad gesendet
Am 04.09.2019 um 14:48 schrieb Giuseppe De Marco
<giuseppe.demarco at unical.it>:
just an update related to a shared topic.
Il giorno mar 20 ago 2019 alle ore 16:13 Heather
Flanagan <hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> ha scritto:
2) Encrypt Assertion if SP have encrytion keys into its metadata (as Shibboleth already
does). I'll have to dug into code to make a proposal, if there come some suggestions:
I'll appreciate.
In uniauth I just implemented this behaviour:
if IDP.config.metadata.certs(self.sp['id'], "spsso",
use="encryption") -> encrypt_assertion, encrypt_advice_attributes and
encrypt_assertion_self_contained = True
It works with pysaml2 SP but not with Shibboleth SP, this latter cannot decrypt/parse the
assertions. Is there any clue before opening an issue on pysaml2 github?
I'm acqually disabling encryption with 'disable_encrypted_assertions'
parameter set to global (it acts over all the sp).
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