On 3/29/18 10:58 AM, Ivan Kanakarakis wrote:
This came by today:
This allows you to define a CLA and link it to a project. Then pull
requests will contain an indicator whether the contributor has singed
the CLA or not. The contributor gets a unique URL that they can access
and agree to the CLA.
It may come handy.
Here's my proposed text for the message to the code contributors.
Anything folks want to add or change? I'd like to send this out early
next week.
The Identity Python project (aka, idpy) is the umbrella project for:
* pySAML2
* SaToSa
* pyXMLSecurity
* pyFF, and
* pyeleven
You have contributed code to one of the idpy projects, and as such, I am
reaching out to you to let you know we are in the process of
establishing a common governance structure. This will include getting
all contributors to sign a Contributors License Agreement (CLA). We are
still sorting out the details around what exactly the CLA will look
like; it depends on whether we choose Apereo or the Commons Conservancy
as the IPR home for idpy.
If you contributed as an individual, signing a CLA should be fairly
straightforward. If you contributed as part of your work for your
employer, this may be a bit more complicated as your employer may retain
rights to the code you have written. In that case, we will ask that you
work with your employer to sign a Corporate Contributor License
Agreement (CCLA).
If you already know that signing a CLA or CCLA is not an option for you,
please let me know and I will work with whoever is the lead architect
for that project to prioritize removing and rearchitecting that section
of code.
I will send another message when we have the CLA/CCLA ready for official
review. Thank you for your time and your contributions to Identity Python!
Heather Flanagan,
Program manager