plan B - a process to accept pull requests and do proper releases
* No development on the master.
* Unit tests must pass before merged into Master. A test may need to
be written to validate; a test is always required.
o Measure test coverage with Coverall (?). If the new code (bug
fix or RFE) comes in on a place with few tests, then need test
needs to be written. If there are a lot of tests, then committer
should at least look at the test to see if it is likely to be valid.
* Each version has to be tagged with dependencies
* Peer review - someone posts to the list, describes how/why and
points to a pull request; at least one approver (and the approver
has to be someone who is approved to commit code and who isn’t a
member of the same organization)
* Stable releases should be posted to PyPI