Hi Ivan,
Thanks for this nice writeup. I concur.
Heather, can we put a discussion of this onto the agenda for Vienna?
What I would add is that this process, or the process we finally agree
on, should be documented at
> Hi everyone,
> The problem we are trying to address is «the process to decide whether
> to add or remove a project on idpy.org.» The following is a draft I
> put together based on the discussion we had on the call at 09 Jan
> 2017. Feel free to change it and enchant it in any way that you think
> will make the process smoother.
> # Project addition
> Accepting the project means accepting the responsibility to maintain
> it, and push to fulfil its short and long term goals. How do we make
> sure it can do this, and we can help? This is what I'll try to outline
> bellow.
> So, a project is proposed to be added:
> ## Proposal format
> The first thing we need to define is the format of the proposal.
> Ideally, I would like to see:
> + Introduction of the maintainer(s):
> Introduction could be just a hello from the person in charge. and a
> minimal message on that person's availability in relation to the
> project development. We do not collect projects, we want the people
> that develop those to keep doing that and have them become part of the
> organisation and their project part of the ecosystem.
> + Project goals & future:
> Project goals are in direct relation to the project's future. Their
> relation with
idpy.org goals are the first thing to make sure is
> aligned.
> + How it relates to
> Is there another project that is using the new one as a dependency or
> enhancement? Is there a relation to a more generic AAI concept? We
> want to know!
> + Current project state:
> - How far is the project from its goals?
> - What are the problems it is facing (technical / community / dedication-time)?
> + Project metadata:
> - URL to project website
> - URL to project source code
> - URL to project ticketing-system (issue tracker)
> - URL to project license
> - Communication channels (mailing-list, slack, irc, etc)
> While all these might seem like too much bureaucracy, each of these
> sections could be a couple of lines or even mangled together in a
> couple of paragraphs.
> Once we have such a proposal we should evaluate the project and come
> to a conclusion. Bellow are some of the aspects I propose we must take
> into account.
> ## Technical quality
> Is there an architecture document?
> How much work is needed to be incorporated with our coding standards
> and practices?
> Does it have (updated) documentation?
> Does it have tests?
> Does it have a CI setup?
> What other projects does it depend on?
> What is going on in the ticketing system (number of bugs and general activity)?
> ## People quality
> This is a lot harder to judge, but very important. The community is
> vital to the organisation's lifecycle. Growing the organisation means
> growing the community and accepting more people in its core. While we
> cannot prevent people from fighting over (many times even
> non-)technical aspects, we can make a priority to make the community
> feel safe. Thus we must take notice of how communicative the new
> project's maintainers are, what the project's culture is, and whether
> this fits to the form of the environment we want to create - an
> environment where people are polite and try to understand rather than
> dominate.
> This is of course twofold - it is the same thing the other way around.
> We are dealing with work done by other people. We must respect that
> and be grateful that they put time in this.
> In simpler terms, it is better to not reply to an
> issue/question/email, if one is irritated, in hurry or stressed. None
> should feel forced to answer or pressured to keep with others' pace.
> ## Organisation stability
> While a project may fit perfectly, we should always keep in mind what
> the organisation's pace is, and how many things it can process at the
> same time. Growing should come in a steady fashion to avoid people
> getting overwhelmed. Enthusiasm is great and needed but should be kept
> in reason with pragmatism.
> There is always a right time to do more. We should not be afraid to
> reject even good looking matches, as doing so does not mean that there
> is no way of even having that chance again.
> The same way we require a project to be in a certain form to be
> accepted, the same requirement is on us to be in a state to accept
> that project.
> To put it in another way, the organisation should help its project
> move forward, and give tools and services to the community. If it is
> in a state that is struggling, then accepting a new project does not
> help neither party.
> ## Discussion and consensus
> Everyone should do their homework, go through this list and then
> decide whether they think it is a good idea and timing to accept the
> project. While a message outlining their basic reasoning is wanted, a
> simple +1 or -1 should suffice.
> Keep in mind that a "-1" is *important to express*. It is very common
> to only see +1 replies, accept the new thing, and then being into a
> situation where many people do not like the new state but never
> expressed it. In the long run, this will lead to problems within the
> organisation.
> My view on this is that it is many times harder to express rejection
> as it seems to place people in a position where they have to explain
> themselves. I reject this as a belief, and consider both +1 and -1
> equally important and available with no justification. I cannot
> understand how a +1 should be self explanatory, while -1 should not.
> So I urge people to freely chose what they think is best for the
> organisation at the time of the proposal and do express themselves.
> ## Process duration
> We should put a limit on the overall process duration and at some
> point come to a final conclusion. I do not have a good estimate, I'd
> guess 4 weeks should be enough, even for people who may want to have a
> say but are away on vacation etc.
> Needless to say, that the community members must trust the decisions
> of other members, and as such should not demand that they are present
> in every process. As pragmatists (are we?), rough consensus is what we
> are striving for - unanimity is pretty hard to achieve.
> ## Aftermath
> - Set a member responsible for the overall supervision of the project
> (the existing maintainer(s) most probably).
> - Announce the conclusion to our communication channels
> (announce-mailing-list, slack, website, blog, twitter, etc) whatever
> the conclusion is. Transparency is important for the community as it
> builds trust and portrays a certain level of maturity.
> - Incorporate the code: Add project under the github organisation
> - Incorporate the people: Add members to the appropriate lists and
> other tools (github policies, travis, slack channels etc)
> - Open appropriate issues to integrate the new project with existing projects.
> - Add to the projects roadmap anything related to the organisation or
> things that come up in the proposal discussion.
> # Project removal
> Removing an existing project should follow the same process. The
> difference is that if decided, the actual process needs planning. The
> project might be a dependency or part of another project, and as such
> it should either be replaced (no functionality lost) or removed in way
> that users and services are not affected.
> The same way we want a steady removal of that project, the same thing
> will be wanted by other people that could be using this. We should
> reach out to project we know that they are using that component and
> ask them to either adopt it, or replace it.
> A good experiment for this will be the replacement of pyoidc/oic from
> satosa (if we decide this) and the integration with the new libs by
> Roland and Google.
> That's all for now. Do tell me what you think and as said before, feel
> free to alter and enhance this.
> Cheers,
> --
> Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3
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