Hi guys,
OIDF has agreed to host the OIDC libraries that I helped Google build.
They also understand that they must fund the maintenance of the libraries.
To make it more concrete they want the Python packages (which are the only one that are
done) to be moved to the
OIDF GitHub site within the next couple of weeks.
This means that the cryptojwt, oidcmsg, oidcservice and oidcrp repos will be moved away
from IdentityPython.
I people don’t disagree I’d like to keep the OP side repo oidcendpoint and oidc-op (not
there yet) at IdentityPython.
And of course all the repos that has to do with OIDC identity federations.
— Roland
The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed. Right at the top, if you make
enough of them, it's considered to be your style.
-Fred Astaire, dancer, actor, singer, musician, and choreographer (10 May 1899-1987)