I had a question from Torsten Lodderstedt, who some of you know, on whether our
OIDC/OAuth2 implementation
supported all the features that the FAPI 2 baseline stipulates.
Turns out we do support most of them (PKCE, PAR and the new iss authorisation response
What we don’t have support for is RAR (
The new session/grant subsystem has hooks for it but we’re lacking the part that actually
can use it.
I don’t think that GEANT has any use for RAR but I may be wrong. If so I’d like someone to
tell me.
The larger question is of course: should we care what FAPI/FAPI 2 demands ?
Or ultimately, our customer what do they want ?
Anyone knows who are customers are ?
Anyone with an idea as to who we would like to be our customers ? Except for the HigherEd
and Research ?
— Roland
Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun. -Christina
Rossetti, poet (5 Dec 1830-1894)