Hello everyone,
There used to be a satosa-dev slack workspace. This workspace has been
inactive for more than a year. I have now renamed it to
identity-python. Anyone can join
https://identity-python.slack.com/ by
self-inviting with the link below:
In case these instructions or endpoints change, the website should be updated
Personally, I do prefer the mailing list for archiving reasons. As
Chris Philips put it:
I have been using satosa-users list as the starting
to congregate/share info/challenges and find it's a good
start. It is searchable more easily than slack will ever be
(and wont delete history after certain size). Slack is good
for real time-ness but poor on search and retrieval.
I cannot agree more. Any chat is good for real-time discussions, but
it is essentially unstructured and closed to the platform.
We already have multiple channels to communicate and discuss:
- the mailing lists
- the github PRs and Issues
- and, slack
Nobody should be forced to join and follow every communication
channel. Let's try to be conservative and use one for each discussion
subject. If the conversation is to be moved between channels, it
should be accompanied by a small summary of what has already been
discussed on the originating channel.
Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3