On 6 Mar 2018, at 16:03, Heather Flanagan
<hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> wrote:
4. AOB
* Consent manager service (Martin) -
https://github.com/its-dirg/CMservice/blob/master/src/cmservice -
discovered code injection bugs while investigating the SAML bug. Roland
says the code has been abandoned. SURFnet is actively using the
CMservice, so the question is what else is being used in the consent
space in idpy? For the other deployments described on the call, consent
is not part of the workflow (e.g., platform participants are employees
or otherwise have already consented to using the service)
* Should it be included? Consent will become more of a thing in the
future for additional deployments. Scott is supportive. Request for
Martin to ask if SURFnet is willing to provide some resources for
ongoing maintenance. Martin to send a formal request to the list as per
our inclusion guidelines.
* SURF fork of the software:
* The its-dirg is a department that has since been disbanded as Umea
University. Need to reach out to Leif and Roland to see if they can
reach out to someone who still has access