On 6 Mar 2018, at 19:32, Ivan Kanakarakis
<ivan.kanak at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
On 6 March 2018 at 17:57, Heather Flanagan
<hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> wrote:
On 3/6/18 9:53 AM, Roland Hedberg wrote:
fork of the software:
* The its-dirg is a department that has since been disbanded as Umea
University. Need to reach out to Leif and Roland to see if they can
reach out to someone who still has access
I have access.
Cool! What would be the correct thing to do here, then? Assuming the
project is accepted into idpy (and Martin has the action to formally
If surfnet takes responsibility for this, I would say that it needs to
be in idpy :)
make that request), can you migrate the project
into IdentityPython? Or
would it be better to mark the project as dormant somehow and have us go
forward with the (patched) fork from SURF?
I would be in favour of migrating the repo into identitypython, as
everyone using it will automatically be redirected. Marking the
project as dormant or deprecated is good, but many people will close
the tab before reading the next sentence that says "you should look
into that other repo that now maintains the service". If the people
from its-dirg disagree, then lets do the latter.
Whatever the action, lets have the actual proposal by surfnet first.
Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3