Sorry for the crosspost...
After a few weeks of spending all of my available development bits on
the various parts of RA21 (cf github.com/TheIdentitySelector, yes its
all nodejs!) I'm back to working on pyFF for a bit.
Here is what I have planned for in the quite near term:
1. merge the api-refactory branch which includes a pyramids-based API
2. merge documentation PR from Hannah Sebuliba (thx!)
3. tag and release the last monolothic version of pyFF
4. in HEAD which becomes the new 1.0.0 release:
- remove all frontend bits (old discovery, management web app)
- pyffd will now start pyramids-based API server
- wsgi will be available/recommended
- create a new "frontend app" as a separate webpack+nodejs project
- create docker-compose.yaml that starts pyffd (API) + frontend app
5. tag and release 1.0.0 thereby moving pyFF over to semantic versioning
After 4 it makes sense to talk about things like...
- new redis/#nosql backends
- work on reducing memory footprint
- pubsub for notifications between MDQ servers
- more instrumentation & monitoring
- adaptive aggregation for large-scale deployments
- elastic search
- management APIs for integrated editing of local metadata
- generating offline MDQ directory structures (cf scripts/mirror-mdq.sh)
Thoughts etc are as usual welcome.
Cheers Leif
Right now the saml2.py in src/satosa/backends/ has
def disco_query(self):
Makes a request to the discovery server
:type context: satosa.context.Context
:type internal_req: satosa.internal.InternalData
:rtype: satosa.response.SeeOther
:param context: The current context
:param internal_req: The request
:return: Response
return_url = self.sp.config.getattr("endpoints", "sp")["discovery_response"][0][0]
loc = self.sp.create_discovery_service_request(self.discosrv, self.sp.config.entityid, **{"return": return_url})
return SeeOther(loc)
Essentially this restricts the flow to one and only one IdP discovery
service that is configured statically.
I propose that this method be enhanced so that it can inspect the context
and internal data and if it finds a URL for the discovery service to use
it overrides what is in the configuration.
Then one can configure a request microservice that uses some logic to set
the URL for the discovery service, such as which SP the authentication
request came from.
Since the comment for the method already includes a mention of the context
and internal data, I suspect this functionality was designed but never
Any objections to me implementing it?
Any other comments or input?
Scott K
Hola a todos!
Ivan and other members of the eduTEAMS team are unavailable this week, so we’ll go ahead and cancel the call. Our next meeting is scheduled for 30 April 2019.
Talk to you then!