Dear All
Technical Reporting
For Information see Attachments 1 and 2. This is what will need to be filled in for the
formal reporting at M18 and M36.
Please read this carefully, and familiarize yourself with the Project Objectives etc, from
the Grant Agreement (attachment 2) , which need to be referred to when doing the technical
reporting for each WP.
* For M9 reporting it is proposed that only point 3 is done (for each task within each
* A template for each WP will be emailed separately to each WP leader, who should
refer to the guidelines under point 3 (of attachment 1) when completing the required
* The expected length is approx. 100-150 words per task in each WP / max 1-2 sides per
* The WP Leader is responsible for distributing/collating back to all task leads in
their WP (where applicable) and checking the quality before submitting back to the
Financial Reporting (NB: Not applicable for OU and UCL).
As a heads-up please review and familiarize yourself with attachment 3 for the expected
level of detail that will be required for formal financial reporting at M18 and M36.
* For M9 reporting it is proposed that only a) the Table on page 2 is filled in per
partner receiving EC funding, and b) brief descriptions of deviations provided if
* A separate template for each partner receiving EC funding (i.e., not OU or UCL) will
be emailed separately).
We can go through this further at Friday’s OMT meeting and agree a reasonable submission
date for the technical and financial reporting.
Please already inform your economists to set aside time to the financial reporting at
their earliest convenience after the OMT meeting this Friday. It should not take too long,
given the simplified reporting expected.
Best regards
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