Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien utlyser fyra stipendier från den Rettigska donationen för att stödja forskare inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.
Stipendierna riktar sig till projekt som har nytta av de fysiska samlingarna vid Riksantikvarieämbetets arkiv och Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek.
Ansökningar tas emot mellan den 1 september och den 15 oktober 2023 och fullständig information kan hämtas här:
Rettigs forskningsstipendium | Riksantikvarieämbetet (raa.se)<https://www.raa.se/lagar-och-stod/bidrag-anslag-och-fonder/rettigs-forsknin…>
Med vänlig hälsning
Johannes Rudberg
Johannes Rudberg
Enhetschef Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek / Head, Vitterhetsakademiens Library
Riksantikvarieämbetet / Swedish National Heritage Board
Box 24199
SE-104 51 Stockholm
Besök / Visit: Storgatan 43, Stockholm
+46 (0)8-5191 83 31
Nu är det dags att söka till höstens kurser i bok- och bibliotekshistoria i Lund!
Till hösten ges bland annat kurserna Paleografi; Handskriftens historia; Bibliotekens historia; Läsningens historia samt Censur, tryckfrihet och politik.
Kursen i paleografi läser man på plats, övriga kurser ges på distans och halvfart. Detta ger möjlighet att kombinera studierna med förvärvsarbete eller annan verksamhet.
Se hela kursutbudet och gör din ansökan på antagning.se<https://www.antagning.se/se/search?period=18&freeText=bokhistoria&type=cour…> senast den 17 april.
Välkommen med din ansökan!
Jonas Nordin
Professor i bok- och bibliotekshistoria
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper | Avd. för bokhistoria
Besöksadress: Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postadress: Lunds universitet, Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Telefon: 046-222 3142
När du skickar e-post till Lunds universitet behandlar vi dina personuppgifter i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning.
Mer om hur dina personuppgifter behandlas hittar du på Lunds universitets webbplats<http://www.lu.se/integritet>
Högskolebiblioteket i Jönköping har gallrat ett antal strö-årgångar av några äldre tidskrifter inom design och arkitektur. De är inbundna i läderband årsvis. Vi undrar om något annat bibliotek är intresserat av att komplettera sina samlingar med dessa. Vi skänker dem gärna mot fraktkostnad.
Det gäller dessa:
Byggmästaren. A: Arkitektur (ISSN 0007-7550)
Arkitektur (ISSN 0004-2021)
Domus (ISSN 0012-5377)
1944, 1946-1963
Form (ISSN 0015-766X)
1940-1954, 1956-1968
Vänliga hälsningar
Jenny Hedberg
Jenny Hedberg
TELEFON +46 (0)36 10 10 32
WEB www.ju.se/bibliotek<http://www.ju.se/bibliotek>
If you are interested in how users truly experience your library then you are not going to want to miss User Experience in Libraries 8, which this year is taking place in Cambridge (11-13 June 2024). If you've never been to the conference before, in brief, it's an opportunity for library workers from academic and public libraries all over the world to meet and share good practice on how to research and respond to library user needs and behaviours. UX in Libraries (or 'UXLibs' for short) is different to most conferences as it is highly interactive and always includes practical workshops and a team challenge.
In addition to the wealth of talent and knowledge of our recently announced keynote and plenary speakers (Elif Tinaztepe, Cassini Nazir, Loyce Witherspoon, Clodagh Reid, Imran Afzal and Andy Priestner) we are now excited to reveal a fantastic range of workshop leaders who will be offering hands-on workshops as part of the programme in Cambridge. They are as follows:
>> Anyone Can Design: Bringing Teams Together with a Design Studio
Participants will learn about the 'design studio' method, a lightweight session that can happen anytime and anywhere. They will find out how to engage stakeholders and collaborators, understand what they'd like to include in a final design, and establish the consensus and trust needed - all in the early stage of a UX initiative.
>> Using games to enhance the UX process
Participants will take part in a 'Code Names' game for the purpose of user data analysis where players have to group different, random cards together by finding a common theme. Replacing these cards with user findings and then matching seemingly unrelated findings will prompt deeper thinking about research findings and help mitigate confirmation bias.
>> Lessons from a librarian turned paramedic
Participants will consider supporting distressed students or 'students in crisis' and how to build easily navigable pathways to external services or how to incorporate support services as part of the library offering. Carl, a former librarian turned paramedic will apply his new experiences and processes to his old stomping ground: the academic library environment.
>> Enhancing Organizational Empathy through Continuous UX Modelling
Participants will learn how to create a customized UX Methods Matrix aligned with their organization's UX Maturity Model to reinforce UX methodologies and gain a deeper understanding of how users interact with both physical and virtual library environments. Attendees will also consider how to be curious rather than judgmental about their community of users.
>> More than footprints: Empathy-rich behavioural mapping techniques
Participants will scope, design and administer a mapping study - a group table-top simulation - calibrated to build empathy rather than solely report behaviour. Using dice, cards, and - with any luck - laughter, they will create mapping data that tells empathy-rich stories of the user experience.
>> Body language as part of your UX toolkit to (positively) influence participants and quality of data
Participants will explore how nonverbal cues can enhance curiosity and empathy and also yield more comprehensive, nuanced and actionable UX insights. With the help of video analysis participants will gain knowledge about their own and others' body language and how it can influence their process and boost their confidence while conducting UX research.
Whether you're new to UX work or an experienced practitioner, we are confident that you will be inspired and energised by attending this year's UX in Libraries. You can book your place at the conference at: https://uxlib.org/uxlibs2024/. We do offer a limited number of sponsored places at the conference, of which more details can be found at: https://uxlib.org/2024/01/23/uxlibs8-sponsored-places/
We hope to see you in Cambridge!
The UX in Libraries committee
- Andy Priestner, Bryony Ramsden, Andrew Alexander, Julie Willems
- Save the date -
LundOnline@LUND 2024
Turning policy into practice
We are pleased to invite you to LundOnline 2024 which will take place at Lund City Hall<https://stadshallen.se/> in the centre of Lund. LundOnline is a conference, from lunch the 22nd to lunch the 24th, arranged by Lund University Library, aimed at college and university librarians and invited publishers. We hope to see participants from all the Nordic countries, which has been the case in previous years.
Turning policy into practice - opportunities and consequences for stakeholders in scholarly communication
Policies and guidelines on scholarly communication that address the access to scholarly outputs are abundant. Goals presented on a policy level are becoming increasingly harmonized. LundOnline 2024 explores the intricate processes of how publishers, academic institutions, and libraries implement guidelines and policy frameworks in scholarly communication practices. Tentative themes include different actors' engagement with policy initiatives, non-profit publishing, publishing platforms, copyright, and licensing. The conference will aim to create a dialogue between the different stakeholders within the field.
Would you like to contribute?
Please contact us if you would like to share your experiences on topics related to the description above. We are eager to include a diversity of formats and speakers and this year we aim to achieve an even balance between speakers representing libraries, publishers and publishing initiatives.
LundOnline will be an opportunity for all scholarly communication stakeholders to meet, discuss and present their views on current challenges related to publishing and scholarly communication. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
The registration will open later this spring. We continuously update our website, so keep an eye on: https://www.lundonline.lub.lu.se/
Join us and engage in explorative and constructive conversations on policy implementation and the future of scholarly communication!
Johanna Tagesson, on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
Som låntagare känner man sig nog väldigt liten i dessa moderna bibliotek
som knappast är till
för människor utan enbart för arkitekter.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
En 104 sidig rapport utgiven av Luhansk Regional Human Rights Centre
Russian attack on Ukrainian libraries. Monitoring study on the consequences
of the Russian army shelling of library infrastructure from 24 February
2022 to 15 November 2023
se även en artikel i Odessa Journal
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
Svenska Kohanätverket bjuder tillsammans med Biblioteken i Norrbotten in till användarmöte för alla som använder, har beslutat att införa, undersöker eller är intresserade av det öppna och fria bibliotekssystemet Koha.
Tid: 23 april 2024 13.00 – 25 april 2024 12.00
Inklusive hackfest (24 april 2024 13.00-17.00, 25 april 2024 09.00-12.00)
Plats: Luleå, Storgatan 42B
Kostnad: Ingen kostnad
Program och anmälan: Inbjudan till Svenska Kohanätverkets elfte användarmöte 23 – 25 april 2024 Luleå med Biblioteken i Norrbotten – Svenska Kohanätverket<https://koha.se/koha-i-sverige/inbjudan-till-svenska-kohanatverkets-elfte-a…> (anmäl dig senast den 9 april)
Läs mer om Svenska Kohanätverket på http://koha.se.
För styrgruppen
Örjan Hellström
Örjan Hellström
konsulent IT
Bibliotek och litteratur
Västra Götalandsregionen
Regionens hus
405 44 Göteborg
besök Bergslagsgatan 2
mobil 0703 63 20 32
e-post orjan.hellstrom(a)vgregion.se<mailto:orjan.hellstrom@vgregion.se>
Kulturförvaltningen arbetar för ett fritt, rikt och starkt kulturliv i hela Västra Götaland. Läs mer på vgregion.se/kulturforvaltningen<https://www.vgregion.se/kulturforvaltningen>.
Årets nätverksträff för forskningsbibliotekens pedagogiska roll anordnas av Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och kommer att hållas den 21-22 november i Uppsala. Mer information kommer längre fram, men vik datumen redan nu. Varmt välkomna till Uppsala!
Med vänliga hälsningar,
Camilla Zetterberg
Pedagogisk samordnare
Avdelningen för lärande- och forskningsstöd
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek
018-471 60 06
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy