Hej alla,
Det låter intressant - statistik och statistikinsamling är ju en ständigt pågående
huvudvärk för oss alla...
För ca ett år sedan hade vi ett långt samtal med Tejs om statistik i ROAM. De hade arbetat
intensivt med Counter 5 tillsammans med bl a CC-Plus och BIBSAM men ändå inte kommit i mål
på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Som en direkt följd av det bestämde de sig då för att gå
vidare med Simple Usage Stats i ROAM, men Tejs var tydlig med att det inte var något
slutmål för dem. Kanske det blir ett samarbete med Celus på något sätt!
Många hälsningar
Från: Roam-sverige <roam-sverige-bounces at lists.sunet.se> För Charlotte Hertzberg
Skickat: den 7 juni 2021 12:58
Till: roam-sverige at lists.sunet.se
Ämne: [Roam-sverige] Kanske på gång i ROAM - VB: [Eril-l] [External] Ebook Statistics:
Software Solutions? Best practices?
Kom fråga på en av de engelska listorna kring statistik och verktyg för att jobba med det.
Bland annat nämndes ett verktyg som heter Celus, se nedan.
Finns både som open source, för consortia och för enskilda bibliotek.
Skickade det vidare till Tejs och de för redan diskussioner med Celus och kan
förhoppningsvis berätta mer under hösten.
Med vänlig hälsning
Malmö universitetsbibliotek
Från: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at
lists.eril-l.org>> För Hewitt, Vivien
Skickat: den 5 juni 2021 02:37
Till: Adrian Graham <adrian.graham at austincc.edu<mailto:adrian.graham at
austincc.edu>>; eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Ämne: Re: [Eril-l] [External] Ebook Statistics: Software Solutions? Best practices?
Hi Adrian
We subscribe to the CELUS usage statistics platform
https://www.celus.net/ and have found
it to be an excellent product that meets all our requirements.
CELUS are members of the Technical Advisory Board of the COUNTER organisation, and
actively participate in the development of the COUNTER standard and its future releases.
They are continually adding new features to the product, which is always a good sign.
You can view usage statistics for your ebooks at the title and platform level for both
COUNTER 4 and COUNTER 5, depending on your requirements. Most of our vendors have moved to
COUNTER 5 but one vendor (IOS Press) is still on COUNTER 4.
The team is very quick to respond to and resolve any SUSHI harvesting problems. My manager
is very happy with the dashboard graphics which are easy to understand by management, and
we can easily see whether our resources are getting enough use when it comes to renewal
time. We are relieved to finally have a cost-effective and reliable solution for
harvesting our usage statistics, after years of struggling with UStat (Ex Libris) and
Redlink (no longer in business).
You can set up a trial of the platform before you subscribe, to get an understanding of
understand how it all works - and if you run into trouble the team can set up a zoom
conference for you if you need help.
Vivien Hewitt | Electronic Services Librarian | Library & Information Service for EMHS
and SMHS
Library staff are based at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital
South Metropolitan Health Service
Education Centre, Fiona Stanley Hospital,
11 Robin Warren Drive, MURDOCH WA 6150
Locked Bag 100, PALMYRA DC WA 6961
M: +61 0421504747
E: vivien.hewitt at health.wa.gov.au<mailto:vivien.hewitt at health.wa.gov.au>
From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at
lists.eril-l.org>> On Behalf Of Harker, Karen
Sent: Saturday, 5 June 2021 2:19 AM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] [External] Ebook Statistics: Software Solutions? Best practices?
CAUTION External Communication: This email originated from outside of the organisation.
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the
content is safe.
Any solution to gathering usage stats is going to be time-laborious or expensive or some
balance of time and cost. There is a growing set of open source solutions, but they
require some programming and data management skills. There are also some prominent stats
gathering services, but these are costly and still require a certain amount of skills to
analyze and manage the data.
I think the most economical solution is investment in advanced Excel training and then use
Excel for compiling data from the files that are downloaded. This requires access to
Excel and training, but once this investment is made, the data features enable data from
multiple files to be "queried". This is especially good if you don't have a
very large collection of ebooks, because there are limits to number of rows that Excel can
The problems you're having with LibInsights and SUSHI are more likely related to the
platforms providing the data rather than LibInsights itself. Many of our platforms that
claim to have SUSHI enabled do not work or have such severe limits of time or data that we
just end up downloading the data manually. What a waste.
The other problem unique to ebook usage is, of course, the metric-level problem...that is,
book- vs. chapter-level. This is somewhat reconciled with COUNTER R5 reports
(Section_Type field), but it does make trend analysis difficult to reconcile with R4
metrics (BR1 vs. BR2). Hopefully, this problem will dissipate over time, but there are
still issues (e.g. what is "section" - chapter? Sub-sections of a chapter?).
Good luck
Karen R. Harker, MLS, MPH
Collection Assessment Librarian
University of North Texas Libraries
1155 Union Blvd.
Denton, TX 76203-5017
From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at
lists.eril-l.org>> On Behalf Of Heidi Card
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 1:05 PM
To: Adrian Graham <adrian.graham at austincc.edu<mailto:adrian.graham at
austincc.edu>>; eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] [External] Ebook Statistics: Software Solutions? Best practices?
Thank you for asking this question - I've wanted to get an idea of what other folks
do, too, as I work without an ERM. My method has consisted separate spreadsheets that I
add together, rather than one long one. I have also been working with LibInsight (via
Springshare), which allows us to set up SUSHI for *some* resources. But I've found
many inconsistencies with it (and lots of error fetching via SUSHI), and end up going back
to the vendors to verify the numbers. I've always felt more comfortable going directly
to the vendor.
I look forward to hearing what other folks are doing!
Heidi Card (she/her), MA, MLIS
Access & Discovery Librarian, Collections & Metadata Services
Gumberg Library | Duquesne University
600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15282
cardh at duq.edu<mailto:cardh at duq.edu> | 412.396.5233
I acknowledge and honor the
peoples, past, present, and future, and all of the original Indigenous peoples of the land
upon which Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA stands. Whose land are you on?
From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at
lists.eril-l.org>> On Behalf Of Adrian Graham
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 12:31 PM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: [External] [Eril-l] Ebook Statistics: Software Solutions? Best practices?
Hi, all!
How do you compile ebook title level usage statistics and provide access to your selectors
for collection development and weeding?
Like many of us, our ebook platforms have grown substantially over the past few years and
we are searching for a better means of tracking title level usage statistics. Our current
method of downloading myriad COUNTER 5 Book Requests reports from vendor admin profiles
and combining them into one giant spreadsheet is time consuming and the results are
difficult to parse.
Is there a software solution? We have an ERM but it doesn't have the ability to import
this type of COUNTER report. Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated!
Adrian Graham, MSIS
e-Resources Librarian / Associate Professor
Austin Community College - South Austin Campus
1820 W Stassney LN, Austin, TX 78745