Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to another webinar offered by the Nordic Speech Research
Forum. The webinar takes place on Mon, Nov 11 at 16:00 - 17:00 (Helsinki/Eastern European
Time EET; UCT+2). Join the webinar at
Setting Stories in Motion: Investigating the kinematics of Finnish Sign Language
narratives with motion capture
Post doctoral researcher Sébastien Vandenitte, University of Jyväskylä
The Nordic Speech Research Forum is organized by the Speech and Speech Research Special
Interest Group of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA) and the Nordic
Network for L2 Pronunciation (NNL2P). The current coordinators are Riikka Ullakonoja
(University of Jyväskylä and University of Turku) and Elina Vasu (Tampere University).
Please follow the forum's website at for upcoming webinars.
Best regards,
Riikka Ullakonoja & Elina Vasu
From: Elina Vasu (TAU) <elina.vasu(a)>
Sent: 04 October 2024 10:37
To: jatkot(a) <jatkot(a)>; solki-jatkot(a)
<solki-jatkot(a)>; kieliverkosto(a)
<kieliverkosto(a)>; solki(a) <solki(a)>;
afinla(a) <afinla(a)>; langnet-kaikki(a)
<langnet-kaikki(a)>; fonetiklistan(a)
<fonetiklistan(a)>; kielikampus(a)
<kielikampus(a)>; kivi(a) <kivi(a)>; TG-Kielten
yksikön henkilökunta <TG-kielten_yksikon_henkilokunta(a)>
Subject: Re: Nordic Speech Research Forum is back!
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to another webinar offered by the Nordic Speech Research
Forum. The webinar takes place on Fri, Oct 11 at 11:00 - 12:00 (Eastern European Summer
Time EEST; UCT+3). Join the webinar at
Heritage Icelandic and North American English: Cross-linguistic influences in phonology
Associate Professor Christiane Ulbrich, University of Cologne
Professor Nicole Dehé, University of Konstanz
The Nordic Speech Research Forum is organized by the Speech and Speech Research Special
Interest Group of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics
(AFinLA<>) and the Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation
(NNL2P<>). The current coordinators are Riikka Ullakonoja
(University of Jyväskylä and University of Turku) and Elina Vasu (Tampere University).
Please follow the forum's website at for upcoming webinars. Under
past events, you will now find Professor Jacques Koreman's presentation materials from
our September webinar.
Best regards,
Riikka Ullakonoja & Elina Vasu
Elina Vasu (formerly Tergujeff)
PhD, University Lecturer in English Linguistics
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Languages Unit
Tampere University
From: Elina Vasu (TAU)
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 2:48 PM
To: afinla(a); puhe-ja-puheentutkimus-afinla(a);
langnet-kaikki(a); fonetiklistan(a); kielikampus(a)
<kielikampus(a)>; jatkot(a) <jatkot(a)>;
solki-jatkot(a) <solki-jatkot(a)>; kieliverkosto(a)
<kieliverkosto(a)>; solki(a) <solki(a)>
Subject: Nordic Speech Research Forum is back!
Dear colleagues,
Apologies for possible cross-posting.
We would like to bring to your attention that the Nordic Speech Research Forum is back
after a summer break.
The Nordic Speech Research Forum convenes online to hear about and discuss interesting
ongoing work in the broad area of speech research. Invited speakers mainly represent
Nordic scholars at different career stages. In 2024, we will convene on varying weekdays
and times to test which meeting time would be optimal. The talks (30-40 mins) will be
followed by discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.
On Tue, Sept 17, we have an opportunity to listen to Professor Jacques
Koreman<> from the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology. Professor Koreman's talk is about online
pronunciation learning. Please join us and feel free to spread the word!
What? Prof. Jacques Koreman's talk: Developing L2 pronunciation skills: goals and
hurdles for online learning + discussion.
When? Tue, Sept 17 at 16:00-17:00 Finnish time (UTC+3)
Where? Zoom:
Also, please save the dates for the upcoming talks this autumn and follow the forum's
website at for updates.
11.10.2024 at 11:00-12:00 Christiane Ulbrich, University of Cologne: Heritage Icelandic
and North American English: Cross-linguistic influences in phonology.
11.11.2024 at 16:00-17:00 Sébastien Vandenitte, University of Jyväskylä: Setting Stories
in Motion: Investigating the kinematics of Finnish Sign Language narratives with motion
12.12.2024 at 14:00-15:00 Anna Persson, Stockholm University: Investigating the role of
pre-linguistic formant normalization in vowel perception.
The Nordic Speech Research Forum is organized by the Speech and Speech Research Special
Interest Group of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics
(AFinLA<>) and the Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation
(NNL2P<>). The current coordinators are Riikka Ullakonoja
(University of Jyväskylä and University of Turku) and Elina Vasu (Tampere University).
Hoping to meet you at the forum,
Riikka Ullakonoja & Elina Vasu
Elina Vasu (formerly Tergujeff)
PhD, University Lecturer in English Linguistics
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Languages Unit
Tampere University