Stevan Harnad, en legendar inom OA har skrivit en artikel, men
ovannämda titel i University World News.
Några klipp ur hans artikel
So, you should ask, with online publishing costs near zero, and quality
control provided gratis by peer reviewers, what could possibly explain, let
alone justify, levying a fee on
authors trying to publish their give-away articles to report their
give-away findings?
The answer is not as complicated as you may be imagining, but the answer is
shocking: the culprits are not the publishers but the S&S authors, their
institutions and their funders! The publishers are just businessmen trying
to make a buck. In fact, £2,700 is the same amount they were making per
article before the online-access era, in the Gutenberg era of
So the publishers are not to be blamed for trying to hold onto their golden
goose: gratis articles from authors; gratis refereeing services from peers;
no need for a print edition; so nothing left for the publisher to do but
collect the rent.
Han har helt rätt i sin beskrivning men hans gamla förslag till lösning är
tyvärr inte lika lysande
It is not as if the S&S community had no other choice. ‘Green OA’
<> self-archiving had been
offered to them as an alternative, with the University of Southampton
providing the free software for creating Green OA institutional
repositories as well as the model for institutional and funder mandates
that would require all university researchers and all recipients of
research funding to self-archive their refereed research therein,
immediately upon acceptance for publication (‘or perish’).
DOAJ som är ett lysande exempel på vad OA skulle kunna åstadkomma och
skulle kunna vara en utgångspunkt för den globala struktur
som krävs för att från grunden skapa ett icke-kommersiellt alternativ.
Mängder av goda initiativ finns redan.Kompetensen finns, miljarderna finns,
samarbete saknas för det krävst globalt samarbete krävs för denna tunga och
svåra uppgift att skapa en ny levande kommunikationsstruktur med eller utan
AI:s hjälp.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)