Välkommen till ett webinar om Open Educational Resources and collection development ordnat
av IFLA-sektionen Acquisition and collection development:
I would like to invite you to a virtual event of the IFLA Acquisition and Collection
Development (ACD) Section on October 5, 2022 1600 CEST.
This 90-minute webinar on open educational resources (OER) and collection development is
organized by the ACD OER working group. The webinar is for those with an interest in
collection development and management at university libraries.
Four international speakers will present on OER at their institution.
* Erin Fields (University of British Columbia Library, Canada)
* Ezra Shiloba Gbaje (Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria)
* Cécile Swiatek (University of Paris Nanterre Library, France)
* Mira Buist-Zhuk (University of Groningen Library, Netherlands)
The event aims to prompt thinking on how those who work in acquisitions or collections
might integrate OER resources into their work. It should also suit anyone who would like
to learn more about the relationship between OER and library collections.
To register, click
Further information can be found at the event
page<https://www.ifla.org/events/oer-and-collection-development-webinar/…. For
enquiries or submission of questions, please contact David Tréfás (University of Basel,
Switzerland) at david.trefas@unibas.ch<mailto:david.trefas@unibas.ch>
Karin Byström
Samordnare, Avdelningen för Media
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek
Projektledare DST, Det digitaliserade svenska trycket
Sekreterare, IFLA Acquisition and collection development section
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