Som bekant antog ALA resolutionen "Resolution on Monetary Library Fines as
a Form of Social Inequity 2018"…
Whereas monetary fines present an economic barrier to access of library
materials and services; Whereas there is mounting evidence that indicates
eliminating fines increases library card adoption and library usage;
Whereas monetary fines create a barrier in public relations, and absorb
valuable staff time applying, collecting, and managing dues; Whereas the
first policy objective listed in ALA Policy B.8.10 (Library Services to the
Poor) as approved by ALA Council on January 27, 2019, states that the
American Library Association shall implement these objectives by “Promoting
the removal of barriers to library and information services, particularly
fees, and overdue charges”;
A 2019 study out of San Francisco found overdue fines disproportionately
affected low-income communities, Black communities and communities with
lower rates of college degrees. That was similar elsewhere, including in
Berkeley, California; Salt Lake City; and San Diego, the study said.
"Overdue fines do not turn irresponsible patrons into responsible ones,
they only distinguish between patrons who can afford to pay for the common
mistake of late returns and those who cannot," it said.
Louisville i Kentucky ansluter sig till dom allt fler bibliotek i USA som
lämnar systemet med övertidsavgifter
*Louisville* är den största staden i den amerikanska
<> delstaten Kentucky
<>, USA
<>. Staden har cirka 700 000 invånare.
Inklusive förorter bor cirka 1 200 000 personer i Louisville. Staden
grundades 1778 <> och är uppkallad
efter Ludvig
XVI av Frankrike <>.
enligt Wikipedia)…
"We believe that access to a library and its collections is essential to
equitable opportunity for a community," LFPL Director Lee Burchfield told
The Courier Journal. "Our analysis shows that … the primary contributions
of our overdue fines is to create a barrier to service to the people who
probably need library services the most."
Of roughly 478,000 LFPL cardholders, there are currently 59,083 accounts
with fines exceeding $10, Burchfield said.
Men här i landet har vi en annan, mer lutheransk syn på menighetens
Tragiskt men tyvärr en realitet
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63 at