Ytterligare en amerikansk delstat försöker nu att via lagstiftning se till
att biblioteken kan få tillgång till e-böcker till
rimliga kostnader. Även i denna delstatssenat var beslutet enhälligt.
Tänk om även forskningsbiblioteken kunde få liknande stöd när det handlar
om vetenskaplig information där
den fria marknaden står mot biblioteken detta trots allt starkare stöd från
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Från: LIBLICENSE <liblicense at>
Date: ons 16 juni 2021 kl 04:43
Subject: New York Legislature Passes Library E-boook Bill
From: Ann Shumelda Okerson <asokerson at>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 15:16:26 -0400
*New York is now the second state to pass a bill that would ensure public
libraries the right to license and lend e-books that are available to
consumers in the state.*
After votes on successive days this week in the Assembly and the Senate,
the bill crossed the finish line just before the June 10 close of the
legislative session and is now headed to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s desk. If
signed, the law would be the second such piece of digital library
legislation to pass, following Maryland's.
Like the Maryland legislation, which passed into law on June 1, the New
York bills (S2890B in the Senate and A5837B in the Assembly) require
“publishers who offer to license e-books to the public” to also offer those
e-books to libraries on “reasonable” terms. The bill’s summary states that
the law is designed to ensure that “widely accepted and effective industry
practices remain in place while prohibiting harmful practices that
discriminate against libraries and harm library patrons.” And, also like
the Maryland legislation, New York’s bill passed unanimously in the
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63 at