En ny säkerhetslag för Hong Kong antogs i tisdag. Redan har böcker rensats
ut från biblioteken.
Guardian skriver om det
The city’s cultural services department, which runs libraries, said books
had been removed while it is determined whether they violate the national
security law. “In the process of the review the books will not be available
for borrowing and reference,” it said.The law targets acts of subversion,
secession, terrorism and colluding with foreign forces.
The new security law and the removal of books raised questions of whether
academic freedom still exists.
Hong Kong has some of Asia’s best universities and a campus culture where
topics that would be taboo on the mainland are still discussed and written
But Beijing has made clear it wants education in the city to become more
“patriotic” especially after a year of huge, often violent and largely
youth-led pro-democracy protests.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63 at