Ur ett mail jag fått som får en att undra hur Elsevier håller sig till vårt
svenska avtal. Får vi vad vi betalt för eller blir vi också
lurade på konfekten?
Hi all
Since the beginning of 2020, the Swiss universities have a Read & Publish
agreement with Elsevier (4 years for 57 mio EUR):
I have created a dashboard to continuously track all „Swiss" publications
at Elsevier:
The data show that so far only 30% of all publications of the institutions
participating in the agreement have become Open Access via the
agreement. For reasons I cannot explain, many Swiss Corresponding Author
Papers remain Closed Access, even though they are entitled to publication
under the Open Access agreement. The agreed quota of APCs is unlikely to be
exhausted. If it stays like this, the agreement threatens to become a major
Best regards
Christian Gutknecht
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63 at