Sorbonne University's open science policy is reflected in its firm stance
in negotiations with commercial publishers, its strong support for the HAL
open archive and its encouragement of open access to research data. As it
is developing open access to publications and research results and enabling
its academic community to regain control over the results of their own
work and opening up science to society, promoting open research information
about its publications and scientific output is a priority.
Sorbonne University has therefore decided to discontinue its subscription
to the Web of Science database and Clarivate's bibliometric tools in 2024.
Furthermore, Sorbonne University has decided to redirect its efforts
towards the exploration of open, free and participative tools. This
decision is in line with the University’s overall policy of openness, and
it is now working to consolidate a sustainable, international alternative,
in particular by using OpenAlex <>.
Om OpenAlex
Inspired by the ancient library of Alexandria, OpenAlex catalogs 250M
scholarly works, along with their citations, authors, institutional
affiliations, and more — and we're 100% free and open source.
OpenAlex is a free index of the world's research ecosystem. It's made by
OurResearch <> with support from Arcadia
<>—a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and
Peter Baldwin.
Man kan inte annat än lyfta på hatten för svenska Lisbet Rausing och
Sorbonne University, ett toppuniversitet i Europa för deras insatser för
fritt tillgänglig forskning för alla
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)