Peter Alsbjer skriver på sin blogg
Vill du ha lite hjälp med att fundera på ditt biblioteks förseningsavgifter
och vilka fördelar som kan finnas som de tas bort?
A growing number of public libraries have made the decision to eliminate
fines charged for overdue materials in an effort to attract more patrons
and reduce barriers to library access. This paper explores the reasons for
eliminating fines and the impact this has on both library revenue and the
return of materials. What steps can help ensure a successful move to a
fine-free model?
Åtkomst till ett paper - Are Library Late Fees a Barrier to Equity? - får
du via den här länken
Printa ut den och ge den till chefen!
White Paper: Are Library Late Fees a Barrier to Equity?…
A growing number of public libraries have made the decision to eliminate
fines charged for overdue materials in an effort to attract more patrons
and reduce barriers to library access. This paper explores the reasons for
eliminating fines and the impact this has on both library revenue and the
return of materials. What steps can help ensure a successful move to a
fine-free model? Read this paper to learn more.
Vill vi behandla våra användare rättvist? Idag verkar det tveksamt.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63 at