UKSG has published the final programme for its forthcoming conference, "From
Transition to Transformation: providing scholarly content and services in tumultuous
times". The organizers are delighted to announce that Professor Cassidy Sugimoto, of
the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University Bloomington,
will speak about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on research culture, research
communication, and the types of support or services that researchers need. Professor
Sugimoto's talk will be followed by a panel discussion in which Dr Liz Brewster,
Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Lancaster University, and Dr Gautam Dey,
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Baum Lab, University College London will share further
examples of how researchers' workflows and information needs have been affected by the
The event, sponsored by De Gruyter, East View, Talis and Wiley, will be held online over
two half days (November 11th and 12th, with presentations also available to delegates
after the event). Over 330 delegates have already registered for the conference, with
places available from just £35 + VAT, plus a number of free places available for groups
such as students or delegates from developing countries. For more information, the full
programme and to register, visit
Bev Acreman
Executive Director
bev at<mailto:bev at><>
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