Det är titeln på en artikel i Forbes om bristen på rättvisa och mångfald
som kallas "öppen tillgång".OA om du kan betala.Vi kan men inte större
delen av resten av världen.
Last week, Nature journals unveiled their “landmark” open-access option.
Nature journals will charge authors, starting in January 2021, up to €9,500
(nearly US $11,400) to make research papers free to read, as an alternative
to subscription-only publishing. Scientists from around the world received
this news with outrage and disappointment on social media.
To conclude, I’d like to revisit the question I posed at the beginning: Do
elite, prestige journals care about equity and diversity? On paper, they
claim to care. But in practice, by announcing a €9,500 price tag (notably,
during the deepest global recession since the second World War), Nature has
failed to enact their own diversity and inclusion pledge. They seem to
have, instead, elected to remain elite, exclusionary, and divorced from
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63 at