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Från: LIBLICENSE <liblicense(a)gmail.com>
Date: tis 1 okt. 2024 kl 17:37
Subject: Web of Science puts mega-journals Cureus and Heliyon on hold
To: <LIBLICENSE-L(a)listserv.crl.edu>
From: Ann Shumelda Okerson <aokerson(a)gmail.com <asokerson(a)gmail.com>>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 16:38:50 -0400
Web of Science puts mega-journals Cureus and Heliyon on hold
Web of Science, Clarivate’s influential database of abstracts and
citations, has paused indexation of new content from the open-access
journals *Heliyon* and *Cureus*, apparently due to concerns about the
quality of their articles.
Indexation in WoS or Scopus, another major bibliometric database owned by
Elsevier, has become an important stamp of approval for scholarly
publications worldwide and can make or break a journal.
WoS is “making a big call here, taking aim at two of the mega-journals that
have grown massively in recent years,” said Nick Wise
a scientific sleuth and a researcher at the University of Cambridge in the
United Kingdom. “WoS appears to be one of the only organisations with the
power to compel big publishers to act. I don’t think that’s a sign of a
healthy academic publishing system, but it’s how things are currently.”
Lots more here:
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
En fin reseberättelse och intressanta bilder från Phnom Penth
exempelvis den här. Jag undrar om vi i Sverige har liknande
manuskript på något bibliotek
Storage of palm leaf manuscripts at the National Library of Cambodia
[image: image.png]
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
LundOnline 2024 - Turning policy into practice
The programme for the conference is all set and we're confident it will be inspiring days! We're pleased to announce our two keynote speakers Ulrich Herb and Arwid Lund. They along with a handful of panel sessions will treat us all with new insights and hopefully some fruitful discussions. To see the complete program and to learn more about our speakers please visit: https://www.lundonline.lub.lu.se/programme
LundOnline is a conference arranged by Lund University Library, aimed at college and university librarians and invited publishers. The conference will be held from lunch the 22nd to lunch the 24th of October at Lund City Hall in the centre of Lund. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
Turning policy into practice - opportunities and consequences for stakeholders in scholarly communication
Policies and guidelines on scholarly communication from national and European entities that address the access to scholarly outputs are abundant. Goals presented on a policy level are becoming increasingly harmonized. LundOnline 2024 explores the intersection between policies and guidelines on the one hand, and publishers, academic institutions, and libraries on the other, and examples of implementations from guiding documents. Themes include:
* The interplay between levels of policy and guideline initiatives in the open access publishing area.
* Pathways to sustainable university publishing and digital publication platforms
* Author rights & open licensing strategies
* Policies and publishers - the transition to an open scholarly communication landscape
* Responsible research assessment and open access publishing
Register your participation here: https://www.lundonline.lub.lu.se/form/registration
LundOnline will be an opportunity for all scholarly communication stakeholders to meet, discuss and present their views on current challenges related to publishing and scholarly communication.
Join us and engage in explorative and constructive conversations on policy implementation and the future of scholarly communication!
Johanna Tagesson, on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
Så här på fredag eftermiddag kan vi kanske få tipsa om en ny ämnesguide om Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek och dess historia.
Guiden finns här:
Välkommen - Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek och dess historia - Bibliotekets guider at Riksantikvarieämbetet Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek / Swedish National Heritage Board (libguides.com)<https://raa.libguides.com/vitterhetsakademiensbibliotek>
Med vänlig hälsning
Johannes Rudberg
Johannes Rudberg
Chef för Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek / Head, Library of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities
Riksantikvarieämbetet / Swedish National Heritage Board
Box 24199
SE-104 51 Stockholm
Besök / Visit: Storgatan 43 (Östra stallet), Stockholm
+46 (0)8-5191 83 31
Riksantikvarieämbetet är den nationella kulturarvsmyndigheten. Vi gör kulturarvet till en del av samhällsutvecklingen genom att ge förutsättningar till att kulturarvet bevaras, används och utvecklas. Följ oss gärna på: raa.se<http://www.raa.se/> I sociala medier<https://raa.se/socialamedier> I nyhetsbrev<https://raa.se/nyhetsbrev>
Så behandlar vi personuppgifter<http://www.raa.se/gdpr> / How we process personal data<https://www.raa.se/in-english/general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr-in-en…>
Tänkvärt från BBC
A typical paperback book accounts for around 1kg of carbon dioxide,
according to sustainability expert Mike Berners-Lee
Perhaps that does not sound like much. But in the US alone, where 767
million paperback books were sold in 2023, this is equivalent to the
electricity use of more than 150,000 homes for a year.
Forest loss, paper production and printing, and transport of books are
generally the largest contributors to the carbon emissions of printed books.
So, using less wood fibre, and shipping lighter loads, are important ways
to reduce the emissions of print books (as well as the costs of producing
Låna på biblioteket och bidra till nettonoll utsläpp 2045
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
Missa inte att anmäla dig!!
Varmt välkommen till SFIS Mellansveriges Teknikdagen 2024!
Som vanligt har vi ett intressant, givande och aktuellt program och vi ses onsdagen 9/10 på Frimurarehotellet i Linköping eller digitalt
Vill du veta mer och anmäla dig - gå till
Sprid gärna till kollegor och andra intresserade!
Vi ses på Teknikdagen 2024
Med glada hälsningar
Kajsa Gustafsson Åman
Avdelningschef/Förste bibliotekarie
[Linköpings universitet]
Linköpings Universitetsbibliotek
581 83 Linköping
Telefon: 011-363532
Besöksadress: Bredgatan 33, Norrköping
Besök oss gärna på: liu.se<https://liu.se/>/biblioteket
När du skickar e-post till LiU så innebär detta att LiU behandlar dina personuppgifter. Mer information om hur detta går till finns i Integritetspolicy vid Linköpings universitet som du hittar på liu.se
Vi i Region Västernorrland är i färd med att tömma och stänga våra
bibliotekslokaler på sjukhusen i länet. Eftersom vi inte längre ska
tillhandahålla tryckta medier kommer vi att slänga de tryckta medicinska
tidskrifter som vi haft. Vi hade sparat vissa tidskrifter och årgångar som
är svåra att få tag i via Libris.
Om något bibliotek skulle vilja överta någon tidskrift, så bifogar jag vår
tidskriftslista här. Hör i så fall av er till bibliotek(a)rvn.se senast
fredag 4 oktober. Region Västernorrland står för fraktkostnaden.
Vårt bestånd av tidskrifter finns i Libris (sigel Suns):
Med vänliga hälsningar
Marika Näslund
Region Västernorrland
NISO Recommended Practice for Communication of Retractions, Removals, and
Expressions of Concern (CREC) , publicerades den 27 juni 2024.
Publications may be retracted or removed, or expressions of concern (EoCs)
may be issued, for a broad range of reasons, including research misconduct
and serious error. While retractions are valuable mechanisms by which to
correct the scientific and scholarly record, correcting the record requires
that these decisions be clearly communicated and broadly understood.
Unclear and inconsistent representation of the retracted status of
published works may ultimately contribute to continued uncritical use of
these invalidated publications in the scholarly literature.
The primary aim of this Recommended Practice is to establish best practices
for metadata creation, transfer, and display for both the original
publication and the statement of retraction, removal, or EoC, with the goal
of facilitating the timely and efficient communication of information to
all relevant stakeholders. Although retraction remains relatively rare,
rates of retraction are increasing, and mass retractions have emerged. The
need for best practices for metadata transfer and display has increased
along with growth in retractions, removals (which are still rare and should
be justified), and EoCs. It is crucial that researchers who discover a
publication be able to identify the editorial status of the published item.
It is therefore necessary that the identification of retracted items,
removed content, and EoCs be effectively communicated to human researchers
and that these same features be evident to machine-reading and other
automated processes, as well as to other interested parties in the
scholarly information workflow.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com