är rubriken på en skrämmande artikel i El País på fiffel och båg i
MDPI, ett förlag som BIBSAM tecknat avtal med, nämns naturligtvis i
artikeln. Vi får nog snart även i Sverige se MDPI professorer.
Ett klipp
In 2015, there were barely a dozen biomedical journals that each published
more than 2,000 studies per year, representing 6% of total production
between them. There are now 55 of these so-called “mega-journals” —
together, they publish almost a quarter of all specialized literature,
according to recent research by John Ioannidis.
Half of the top mega-journals come from the same publisher: MDPI, a
corporate giant founded in Basel, Switzerland, by Chinese chemist Shu-Kun
Lin. It currently controls 427 journals. Its top publication —
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health —
publishes nearly 17,000 studies each year, a number that makes it difficult
to ensure quality. This journal charges authors more than $2,500 for the
publication costs of each work. Five years ago, more than a dozen
publishers of Nutrients — another one of these mega-journals — resigned,
alleging that MDPI pressured them to accept low-quality studies and
increase revenue. The work by meat expert José Manuel Lorenzo on gum
disease was published in the journal Antioxidants — also owned by MDPI.
Shu-Kun Lin’s publishing house has become an empire in a short time. MDPI
journals offer an easy way to publish studies, thanks to their
less-demanding requirements. A scientist can submit a paper to them and see
it published in as little as a month after a cursory review, instead of the
typical six months that other publishers require. Emilio Delgado —
professor of Research Methodology at the University of Granada in Spain —
makes a devastating diagnosis about this situation: “The MDPI journals have
engulfed the system.”
Delgado jokes that, in the academic world, there is already talk of “MDPI
professors,” which refers to those who have risen thanks to CVs based on
this type of shoddy work. He notes that Spanish universities have become
veritable “factory farms” for insubstantial studies. Delgado and his
colleague Alberto Martín have analyzed this change in the behavior of
Spanish scientists. Their data shows that, in 2015, barely 0.9% of Spanish
production was published in MDPI journals, compared to a 0.6% rate
worldwide. Six years later, the percentage in Spain shot up to nearly 15% —
double the proportion in the rest of the world. Some universities focus on
getting their studies published in MDPI journals, such as the Catholic
University of Ávila (71%), Alfonso X el Sabio University (42%), the
University of Extremadura (30%) and the Catholic University of Murcia
(27%). At the most prestigious university in Spain — the Complutense
University of Madrid — the percentage exceeds 12%.
Svenska universitet, högskolor, myndigheter och statliga forskningsinstitut
tecknar tillsammans, genom KB, avtal för tidskrifter och databaser. Detta
kallas för Bibsamkonsortiet.
Ett konsortium som med öppna ögon tecknar avtal som är skamliga mot allt
som bibliotek står för.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
OA eller inte så har vi ett växande problem
Artikel med ovannämnda rubrik i The Conversation
rapporten som nämns i artikeln
Paper Mills Research report from COPE & STM
Paper mills rely on the desperation of researchers — often young, often
overworked, often on the peripheries of academia struggling to overcome the
high obstacles to entry — to fuel their business model.
They are frighteningly successful. The website of one such company based in
Latvia advertises the publication of more than 12,650 articles since its
launch in 2012. In an analysis of just two journals jointly conducted by
the Committee on Publications Ethics and the International Association of
Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, more than half of the 3440
article submissions over a two-year period were found to be fake.
It is estimated that all journals, irrespective of discipline, experience a
steeply rising number of fake paper submissions. Currently the rate is
about 2%. That may sound small. But, given the large and growing amount of
scholarly publications it means that a lot of fake papers are published.
Each of these can seriously damage patients, society or nature when applied
in practice.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
Länkad data och FOLIO - FOLIO Sverige
Fredag 22/3 kl. 10:15-11:15
Mötet kommer fokusera på utveckling av stöd för länkad data i FOLIO.
Andreas Mace från KB och Henrik Wallheim från Linköpings universitetsbibliotek presenterar en överblick på området och sina reflektioner om behov och vägar framåt. Därefter finns möjlighet till gemensam diskussion.
Alla nyfikna är välkomna. Ingen anmälan behövs.
Anslut via
(lösenord: folio-lsp)
FOLIO Sverige är ett regional community för bibliotek som använder, är på väg att införa, utvärderar eller är intresserade av FOLIO. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SVERIGE/overview
Med vänliga hälsningar
Samordningen för FOLIO Sverige
Johanna Nilsson
Chalmers tekniska högskola
Institutionen för Vetenskapens kommunikation och lärande (CLS)
412 96 Göteborg
20-22 MARS, 2024 UMEÅ
Marskonferensen 2024 fokuserar på tillgång och tillgänglighet. Vi fördjupar oss i frågor om utbud, delaktighet, inkludering och rättvisa.
Marskonferensen arrangeras av Umeå stadsbibliotek, Sveriges depåbibliotek och lånecentral, SLU-biblioteket, Umeå universitetsbibliotek och Regionbibliotek Västerbotten.
Tveka inte att kontakta oss med frågor.
Christer Edeholt
Libraries are the thin red line between civilisation and barbarism, Neil Gaiman
Varmt välkomna/
Tove Liliequist, Umeå stadsbibliotek
Bertine Pol Sundström, Sveriges depåbibliotek och lånecentral
Linn Ottosson Malmros, SLU-biblioteket
Charlotta Turborn, Umeå universitetsbibliotek
Pia Brinkfeldt, Regionbibliotek Västerbotten
Christer Edeholt, Regionbibliotek Västerbotten
Bästa hälsningar
Christer Edeholt
Region Västerbotten
Regional utveckling, Regionbibliotek Västerbotten
+46 70 – 357 57 09
Köksvägen 11 Regionens hus
Regionens hus
901 89 Umeå
Postadress: Box 443,
901 09 Umeå Sweden
Så hanterar vi dina personuppgifter:
Lite deprimernade att följa Retraction Watch som avslöjar falska,
mindervärdiga vetenskapliga artiklar och dom är häpnadsväckande många.
Här om nobelpristagaren Gregg Semenza som dragit tillbaka tio artiklar.
A Nobel prize-winning researcher whose publications have come under
scrutiny has retracted his 10th paper for issues with the data and images.
Gregg Semenza, a professor of genetic medicine and director of the vascular
program at Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Cell Engineering in Baltimore,
shared the 2019 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for “discoveries of
how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.”
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com
Nu finns en spännande tjänst att söka vid Sundsvalls stadsbibliotek. Vi söker en bibliotekarie med intresse för webbutveckling. Du kommer att ingå i teamet för bibliotekets webb i syfte att utveckla vår webbplats. Därutöver ingår att arbeta med biblioteksservice till kommunens invånare via Mobibblan (bibliotekets bokbuss) samt via tjänstgöring i bibliotekets informationsdisk i Kulturmagasinet.
Tjänsten är ett vikariat på ett år.
Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 18 mars.
Med vänlig hälsning,
Cathrine Berggren
Cathrine Berggren
Enhetschef Medier o Webb
Mobil: +46 73-028 64 60
Sundsvalls kommun
Kultur och Fritid
Kulturmagasinet, Sundsvalls stadsbibliotek
851 96 Sundsvall
Besöksadress: Packhusgatan 4
Växel: +46 60 19 10 00
Sundsvalls kommun behandlar dina personuppgifter enligt dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). Läs mer på www.sundsvall.se/personuppgifter.<https://sundsvall.se/kommun-och-politik/overklaga-beslut-rattssakerhet/beha…>
Högskolebiblioteket i Jönköping har gallrat ett antal strö-årgångar av några äldre tidskrifter inom design och arkitektur. De är inbundna i läderband årsvis. Vi undrar om något annat bibliotek är intresserat av att komplettera sina samlingar med dessa. Vi skänker dem gärna mot fraktkostnad.
Det gäller dessa:
Byggmästaren. A: Arkitektur (ISSN 0007-7550)
Arkitektur (ISSN 0004-2021)
Domus (ISSN 0012-5377)
1944, 1946-1963
Form (ISSN 0015-766X)
1940-1954, 1956-1968
Vänliga hälsningar
Jenny Hedberg
Jenny Hedberg
TELEFON +46 (0)36 10 10 32
WEB www.ju.se/bibliotek<http://www.ju.se/bibliotek>
If you are interested in how users truly experience your library then you are not going to want to miss User Experience in Libraries 8, which this year is taking place in Cambridge (11-13 June 2024). If you've never been to the conference before, in brief, it's an opportunity for library workers from academic and public libraries all over the world to meet and share good practice on how to research and respond to library user needs and behaviours. UX in Libraries (or 'UXLibs' for short) is different to most conferences as it is highly interactive and always includes practical workshops and a team challenge.
In addition to the wealth of talent and knowledge of our recently announced keynote and plenary speakers (Elif Tinaztepe, Cassini Nazir, Loyce Witherspoon, Clodagh Reid, Imran Afzal and Andy Priestner) we are now excited to reveal a fantastic range of workshop leaders who will be offering hands-on workshops as part of the programme in Cambridge. They are as follows:
>> Anyone Can Design: Bringing Teams Together with a Design Studio
Participants will learn about the 'design studio' method, a lightweight session that can happen anytime and anywhere. They will find out how to engage stakeholders and collaborators, understand what they'd like to include in a final design, and establish the consensus and trust needed - all in the early stage of a UX initiative.
>> Using games to enhance the UX process
Participants will take part in a 'Code Names' game for the purpose of user data analysis where players have to group different, random cards together by finding a common theme. Replacing these cards with user findings and then matching seemingly unrelated findings will prompt deeper thinking about research findings and help mitigate confirmation bias.
>> Lessons from a librarian turned paramedic
Participants will consider supporting distressed students or 'students in crisis' and how to build easily navigable pathways to external services or how to incorporate support services as part of the library offering. Carl, a former librarian turned paramedic will apply his new experiences and processes to his old stomping ground: the academic library environment.
>> Enhancing Organizational Empathy through Continuous UX Modelling
Participants will learn how to create a customized UX Methods Matrix aligned with their organization's UX Maturity Model to reinforce UX methodologies and gain a deeper understanding of how users interact with both physical and virtual library environments. Attendees will also consider how to be curious rather than judgmental about their community of users.
>> More than footprints: Empathy-rich behavioural mapping techniques
Participants will scope, design and administer a mapping study - a group table-top simulation - calibrated to build empathy rather than solely report behaviour. Using dice, cards, and - with any luck - laughter, they will create mapping data that tells empathy-rich stories of the user experience.
>> Body language as part of your UX toolkit to (positively) influence participants and quality of data
Participants will explore how nonverbal cues can enhance curiosity and empathy and also yield more comprehensive, nuanced and actionable UX insights. With the help of video analysis participants will gain knowledge about their own and others' body language and how it can influence their process and boost their confidence while conducting UX research.
Whether you're new to UX work or an experienced practitioner, we are confident that you will be inspired and energised by attending this year's UX in Libraries. You can book your place at the conference at: https://uxlib.org/uxlibs2024/. We do offer a limited number of sponsored places at the conference, of which more details can be found at: https://uxlib.org/2024/01/23/uxlibs8-sponsored-places/
We hope to see you in Cambridge!
The UX in Libraries committee
- Andy Priestner, Bryony Ramsden, Andrew Alexander, Julie Willems
- Save the date -
LundOnline@LUND 2024
Turning policy into practice
We are pleased to invite you to LundOnline 2024 which will take place at Lund City Hall<https://stadshallen.se/> in the centre of Lund. LundOnline is a conference, from lunch the 22nd to lunch the 24th, arranged by Lund University Library, aimed at college and university librarians and invited publishers. We hope to see participants from all the Nordic countries, which has been the case in previous years.
Turning policy into practice - opportunities and consequences for stakeholders in scholarly communication
Policies and guidelines on scholarly communication that address the access to scholarly outputs are abundant. Goals presented on a policy level are becoming increasingly harmonized. LundOnline 2024 explores the intricate processes of how publishers, academic institutions, and libraries implement guidelines and policy frameworks in scholarly communication practices. Tentative themes include different actors' engagement with policy initiatives, non-profit publishing, publishing platforms, copyright, and licensing. The conference will aim to create a dialogue between the different stakeholders within the field.
Would you like to contribute?
Please contact us if you would like to share your experiences on topics related to the description above. We are eager to include a diversity of formats and speakers and this year we aim to achieve an even balance between speakers representing libraries, publishers and publishing initiatives.
LundOnline will be an opportunity for all scholarly communication stakeholders to meet, discuss and present their views on current challenges related to publishing and scholarly communication. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
The registration will open later this spring. We continuously update our website, so keep an eye on: https://www.lundonline.lub.lu.se/
Join us and engage in explorative and constructive conversations on policy implementation and the future of scholarly communication!
Johanna Tagesson, on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
Som låntagare känner man sig nog väldigt liten i dessa moderna bibliotek
som knappast är till
för människor utan enbart för arkitekter.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek
E-post: Jan.Szczepanski63(a)gmail.com