Hi Lise-Lotte Morner,
I hope this email finds you well. I was wondering is there any space on the London course
in November? If so, do you have a price?
Many thanks,
Robert Vaughan BSc., MSc., PhD., FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Programme Lead for Psychology
Room HG209, School of Education, Language, and Psychology
York St John University
Lord Mayor's Walk, York, England, YO31 7EX
Tel: 01904876802 | Mob: 07709572751
Weblinks: Google
Scholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vll1sOMAAAAJ&hl=en… |
ResearchGate<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert_Vaughan8> |
@DrRobertVaughan<https://twitter.com/DrRobertVaughan> | ORCID
Book a tutorial
here<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/RobertVaughan at
yorksj.ac.uk/bookings/> | Access articles on
From: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se> On Behalf Of Lise-Lotte Mörner
Sent: 06 July 2020 13:46
To: si-pass at lists.sunet.se
Subject: [SI-PASS listserver] Supervisor Trainings autumn 2020
Dear Colleagues,
We are planning to have three supervisor trainings in autumn: in Lund, Sweden in October
and in Stjordal, Norway and London, England in November 2020. The trainings are open for
registration on our webpage:
We will follow the corona situation closely and if we will have to postpone the training
you will be informed by email in good time before the start of the training. If you would
like to register and to pay before July 31st please make a booking and send me an email
and you will get instructions on how to make the payment in advance. Otherwise an invoice
will be sent to you in September. Welcome to register!
Best regards,
Lise-Lotte Morner
Lise-Lotte Mörner
Project Manager European Centre for SI-PASS
Lund university | Student Affairs
Box 117, 221 00 Lund
Phone +46 46-222 70 67 E-mail: Lise-Lotte.Morner at
stu.lu.se<mailto:Lise-Lotte.Morner at stu.lu.se>
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