Dear SI-PASS colleagues,
my name is Joakim Malm and I am a certified trainer at the European Centre for SI-PASS. The European Centre works together with researchers from Netherlands and Australia on a project related to “soft” skills/graduate attributes that student participants may develop while taking part in SI-PASS sessions. Based on a focus group with leaders and participants plus a world-wide survey to SI-PASS supervisors we distinguished three main areas that SI-PASS participants most likely develops in sessions: teamwork/collaboration, communication and study strategies. In the next step we constructed a survey that tests for development of these three “soft” skills for participants in SI-PASS sessions (including validation of the survey based on a group of some 300 SI-PASS participants).
We are now ready to distribute the survey to SI-PASS participants world-wide and would like to ask for your help in doing this. Could you as supervisors ask your SI-PASS leaders to distribute the link to the survey to their participants within the next two weeks (the survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete and is anonymous)? The link to the survey is: . Deadline for submitting responses is Friday May 17. Thank you very much in advance!
We will share the survey results with you once we processed the data and created a report. If the results from the survey are positive, they will provide one more argument for getting funding for SI-PASS schemes: that students participating in SI-PASS also develops graduate attributes besides assisting students in the learning of challenging course material.
Kind regards,
Joakim Malm, European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm(a)<>
Next week - on Thursday 23rd of November, 2-3 pm UK time / 3-4 CET - we will have a SI-PASS Supervisor fika on zoom.
The topics (suggested by supervisors) will this time be
1) Use of social media (for instance to market SI-PASS) and
2) Getting buy-in from academics/teachers.
The zoom-link to the fika is: . No pre-registration necessary. We hope that many will be able to join and please invite others that might be interested.
(An SI-PASS FIKA is an informal get together in Zoom over a cup of coffee/tea and a cinnamon bun (last item not mandatory). The FIKA is free of charge and provides a chance to talk about SI-PASS related issues or just have a chat with SI-PASS friends).
Upcoming SI-PASS Supervisor trainings (given in English). For more information please visit our web-site:<> .
* Supervisor training online via Zoom 5-6 & 8-9 February 2024. Registration open<>
Best wishes,
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm(a)<>
Hi SI-PASS/PAL community in Europe,
Please see below information about proposal submissions for the online Global SI Leader Summit in March.
Linda Dahlberg
European Centre for SI-PASS
Lund University
Student Affairs
Från: Supplemental Instruction Discussion List <SINET(a)LISTSERV.UMKC.EDU> För International Center for Supplemental Instruction
Skickat: den 16 september 2024 16:26
Ämne: Now Accepting Summit Proposals
Hello SI family,
The International Center for Supplemental Instruction (SI) is now accepting proposals for the Global SI Leader Summit, which will be held virtually on March 21-22, 2025.
Recognizing the valuable contributions of student leaders who lead SI/PASS sessions, we are exclusively seeking proposals from these student leaders, with the potential of a co-presenter being a professional or academic staff. We understand that the process of selecting a topic and crafting a proposal can be challenging. To help with this, a proposal committee comprised of members from various regions will offer optional free workshops to help student leaders develop compelling session topics and proposals.
Please visit our website's 2025 Proposals page<> to see information about the proposals submission process and optional free workshop sessions.
We're looking forward to reviewing your student leader's submissions!
The International Center for Supplemental Instruction
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Hi SI-PASS/PAL Supervisors!
See invitation below for an international SI-PASS Leader Summit, hosted by the International SI Center. Supervisors are welcome to attend too.
Best Regards,
Linda Dahlberg and the rest of the European Center for SI-PASS
Från: Supplemental Instruction Discussion List <SINET(a)LISTSERV.UMKC.EDU> För Pearson, Jessica
Skickat: den 30 augusti 2024 14:16
Ämne: Exciting News - Global SI Leader Conference
Hello, SI family,
The International Center for Supplemental Instruction is excited to announce our first-ever virtual Global SI Leader Summit, where SI leaders and student success practitioners from around the world will gather to share transformative insights, and build new collaborations. The summit, taking place March 21-22, 2025, will offer everyone in the SI community, from new student leaders to professional and academic staff members, valuable insights, practical strategies and a supportive community to help you make a difference on your campus.
This event promises to offer opportunities for networking, professional development, and the sharing of ideas in the field of Supplemental Instruction. All sessions will be led or co-led by SI leaders, because the International Center knows there is no one better to learn from then the students who are doing the work on the front lines. To that end, all proceeds from this online conference will go towards a scholarship fund for SI Leaders to attend our in-person SI conferences.
Conference Schedule:
This schedule has been created to allow for participation from all around the globe! Each day will have the same structure and feature different speakers and presenters from different regions. Due to the fact that not all regions can attend both days, all conference activities will be recorded and made available to those who attend. Please note, if you purchase a one day, you will only receive that one day of recordings; however, if you purchase a two day registration and attend for at least one of the days you will receive both days' recordings.
* Friday Mar 21, 2024 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM CT
* Welcome (5:00-5:05 PM CT)
* Student Keynote (5:05-5:25 PM CT)
* Breakout Session Block 1 (5:30-6:15 PM CT)
* Breakout Session Block 2 (6:20-7:05 PM CT)
* Networking Fika (7:05-7:35 PM CT)*
* Breakout Sessions Block 3 (7:40-8:25 PM CT)
* Professional Keynote (8:25-8:55 PM CT)
* Closing Activity (8:55-9:00 PM CT)
* Saturday Mar 22, 2024 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CT
* Welcome (10:00 - 10:05 AM CT)
* Student Keynote (10:05-10:25 AM CT)
* Breakout Session Block 1 (10:30-11:15 AM CT)
* Breakout Session Block 2 (11:20-12:05 PM CT)
* Networking Fika (12:05-12:35 PM CT)*
* Breakout Sessions Block 3 (12:40-1:25 PM CT)
* Professional Keynote (1:25-1:55 PM CT)
* Closing Activity (1:55-2:00 PM CT)
*Fika - (in Swedish custom) a break from activity during which people drink coffee, eat cakes or other light snacks, and relax with others.
Click here<> to see more details. We will also be updating this page to include proposal information the week of September 9, 2024.
Looking forward to learning with you all this coming March!
Jessica Pearson, M. Ed
Director | UMKC Academic Support and Mentoring
Executive Director | International Center for Supplemental Instruction
Vice Chair | UMKC Staff Council
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit" - John 15:5
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