Dear SI-PASS colleagues,
my name is Joakim Malm and I am a certified trainer at the European Centre for SI-PASS. The European Centre works together with researchers from Netherlands and Australia on a project related to “soft” skills/graduate attributes that student participants may develop while taking part in SI-PASS sessions. Based on a focus group with leaders and participants plus a world-wide survey to SI-PASS supervisors we distinguished three main areas that SI-PASS participants most likely develops in sessions: teamwork/collaboration, communication and study strategies. In the next step we constructed a survey that tests for development of these three “soft” skills for participants in SI-PASS sessions (including validation of the survey based on a group of some 300 SI-PASS participants).
We are now ready to distribute the survey to SI-PASS participants world-wide and would like to ask for your help in doing this. Could you as supervisors ask your SI-PASS leaders to distribute the link to the survey to their participants within the next two weeks (the survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete and is anonymous)? The link to the survey is: . Deadline for submitting responses is Friday May 17. Thank you very much in advance!
We will share the survey results with you once we processed the data and created a report. If the results from the survey are positive, they will provide one more argument for getting funding for SI-PASS schemes: that students participating in SI-PASS also develops graduate attributes besides assisting students in the learning of challenging course material.
Kind regards,
Joakim Malm, European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm(a)<>
Next week - on Thursday 23rd of November, 2-3 pm UK time / 3-4 CET - we will have a SI-PASS Supervisor fika on zoom.
The topics (suggested by supervisors) will this time be
1) Use of social media (for instance to market SI-PASS) and
2) Getting buy-in from academics/teachers.
The zoom-link to the fika is: . No pre-registration necessary. We hope that many will be able to join and please invite others that might be interested.
(An SI-PASS FIKA is an informal get together in Zoom over a cup of coffee/tea and a cinnamon bun (last item not mandatory). The FIKA is free of charge and provides a chance to talk about SI-PASS related issues or just have a chat with SI-PASS friends).
Upcoming SI-PASS Supervisor trainings (given in English). For more information please visit our web-site:<> .
* Supervisor training online via Zoom 5-6 & 8-9 February 2024. Registration open<>
Best wishes,
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm(a)<>