Following the success of bringing Supervisors together on zoom, the Leader Festival and
the pilot FIKA in November, the European Centre for SI-PASS (Lund University) is pleased
to announce SI-PASS FIKAs will become a regular monthly feature for supervisors and
leaders. (An SI-PASS FIKA is an informal get together over a cup of coffee/tea and a
cinnamon bun (last item not mandatory). The FIKA is free of charge and provides a chance
to talk about SI-PASS related issues or just have a chat with SI-PASS friends). The next
FIKA will be on Wednesday 21st of April at 2-3.30 pm UK time/3-4:30 CET. The meeting is
online (you don’t need to register) with English as working language on the following
zoom-link: . The theme of the FIKA will be “ways of
rewarding Leaders for their work”. But other topics are welcome as well. If you want to
suggest another topic just send us a mail in advance to si-pass at<mailto:si-pass at>. We would also like to invite people to try
out a short online activity related to SI-PASS during the FIKA. In our preparation of
Leader training/debriefs and such we might want to test a new activity and see how it
works. If you have an idea of such an online SI-PASS activity you want to have feedback on
in the friendly setting of a FIKA – please mail us about it.
Upcoming trainings (For more information and to register please visit our web-site:<> )
· SI-PASS Supervisor training 20-23 of April (Fully booked). Next Supervisor
trainings are given online 4-5/7-8 October and 22-23/25-26 November (both are open for
registration). Several people have expressed interest in having another Supervisor
training before summer. We would therefore like to explore if there is enough interest in
having such a training in late June. If you have colleagues that would be interested,
please tell them to send an e-mail to us to si-pass at<mailto:si-pass at>
* Additional/Advanced Supervisor training: Quality assurance of SI-PASS programmes:
4-5 May 2021 (a few places left)
* Additional/Advanced Supervisor training: Designing and Developing Leader training:
14-15 + 17-18 June 2021 (four half days)
· Demystify SI-PASS workshop 18th May
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Centre for Engineering Education / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm at<mailto:Joakim.Malm at>