We hope that the start of the year and the semester is going well for all of you!
In terms of activities for SI-PASS/PAL student Leaders, the European Centre for SI-PASS is
organising one online platform and two online sessions this semester:
1. LinkedIn group for SI-PASS/PAL Leaders in Europe
2. Online session about facilitating inclusive SI-PASS/PAL Sessions: 26th of February
at 12.00-13.00 GMT / 13.00-14.00 CET. Facilitated by Hannah Obiyidavid, Kerry Lawless
& Joe Kennedy, University of Galway
3. Online session about supercharging revision: 26th of March at 12.00-13.00 GMT /
13.00-14.00 CET. Facilitator TBA
Please share the attached flier/PPT slide with your SI-PASS/PAL Leaders!
Best wishes,
Linda Dahlberg, Isabella Fairclough & William Carey
European Centre for SI-PASS
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