Dear all,
Welcome to next week’s IMS seminar, where Nafiseh Mousavi will present her ideas for a
possible post-doc project.
Title: “Non-human in refugee narratives,” post-doc research application in-progress
Message from Nafiseh about the seminar:
Next week at the IMS seminar, I will present a preliminary plan for a research project
with which I intend to apply for post-doc funds. I have already presented the idea briefly
within the intermedial eco-criticism group. In this seminar, I will give a further
detailed and modified presentation on the topic, with a specific focus on its intermedial,
narrative, and representational aspects.
To frame it briefly, my idea is to look at a range of literary media products (novels,
graphic novels, and autobiographical narratives) that represent the refugee experience,
mainly from an insider’s perspective. The aim is to look at the ecology of the refugee
experience, as depicted in these works, by investigating the human/non-human interactions
that determine the refugees' journeys, border-crossings, and encampment experiences.
This investigation is intended to be further situated in the broader frame of ‘precarity
of human-ness’ that affects the refugee situation.
At this stage, this project is still more of a reading/thinking-in-progress, so I thought
a verbal-visual presentation would make more sense than a fuzzy draft. That’s why I’ll
present the application.
The seminar is on the 12 May from 10.15-12.00 CEST. As always the seminar will be on zoom:
Best wishes,
Signe – on behalf of IMS
Signe Kjaer Jensen
PhD student in Comparative Literature
Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS)
Linnæus University
Department of Film and Literature
351 95 Växjö
signe.kjaerjensen at<mailto:signe.kjaerjensen at>
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