Dear all,
The IMS seminar on Wednesday was supposed to be a chance to present and discuss ongoing
research applications in the IMS environment, but since nobody has submitted any research
applications for discussion, the seminar has been cancelled. Our next seminar will be on
Feb 10, where we are visited by Eleni Timplalexi, Department of Communication & Media
Studies, University of Athens, who will give a presentation on "The transmedial
journey of theatre performance going massively online during the COVID-19 pandemic:
towards new intermedial forms of expression".
Until then,
Best wishes,
Signe – on behalf of IMS
Signe Kjaer Jensen
PhD student in Comparative Literature
Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS)
Linnæus University
Department of Film and Literature
351 95 Växjö
signe.kjaerjensen at<mailto:signe.kjaerjensen at>
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