Dear all,
As mentioned in my last mail, Andrea Virginás will be our guest speaker at the IMS seminar
tomorrow. Virginás will give a presentation (see abstract below), and there is no text to
discuss, so no preparation for the seminar is needed, but if you are interested in knowing
more about her work, she has provided us with a few reading suggestions in regards to her
already published work.
Presentation abstract:
Screens as Places of Intermediality and Intercultural Clash (January 2021)
Based on examples such as Ruben Östlund’s The Square (2017), Andrei Zvagintsev’s Loveless
(2017) or Radu Jude’s I Don’t Care if We Go Down as Barbarians in History (2018), a sketch
for linking the intermedial and intercultural aspects of embedding electronic screens
(television, computer or mobile) within film diegetic worlds is suggested. These framed
spectacles separate worlds of different scales: the richly textured (first-level) diegesis
and the de-saturated, blurry or pixelated displays of the electronic screens. Contained
within diegeses and actual media apparatuses, they have the gentle power of re-presenting
collectively traumatic happenings that, nevertheless, are important for cultural memory.
Reading suggestions:
* On the role of diegetic electronic screens in contemporary European
Universitatis Sapientiae Film and Media Studies 2018 Vol 15 (1), 87-102.
* Television and video screens in filmic narratives: medium specificity, noise and
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Film and Media Studies 2019 Vol 16 (2), 81–96.
* Electronic screens in film diegesis: modality modes and qualifying aspects of a
formation enhanced by the post-digital
era.<> In: Lars
Elleström (ed): Beyond Media Borders: Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media.
Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, Volume 1, 141–173.
The zoom link is
Best wishes,