Dear all,
Welcome to next week’s IMS seminar, will Lars Elleström will present his article draft on
“Media Translation and Media Transformation” (attached).
Reading instructions from Lars Elleström:
The article is intended for an upcoming Routledge handbook of translation theory. The
editors have asked me to present my own ideas with references to other research (not to
make an overview of intermedial and multimodal translation research).
Some of you will recognize quite a lot from my earlier publications, although in a
condensed and partly newly structured form. Some of the old stuff is also partly
I apologize for the length of the draft. Although I’m free to submit an extensive first
draft, the editors will probably ask me to abridge it in the end. I’ve struggled hard to
cut it down but failed. How shall I proceed with this?
I ask you to please reflect especially on the last section, “From Media Translation to
Media Transformation”. The overview here is not very reader-friendly, I fear, but I don’t
know what to do about it. The conclusion remains to be written simply because of lack of
time. What is needed here?
Thanks for your patience,
The seminar is on the 1. Sep from 10.15-12.00 CEST. As always the seminar will be on zoom:
Remember that Joacim Lindh will also have a seminar on the 1. September from 13.00-15.00
CEST. This is his final seminar before his defense, where we will discuss his thesis draft
(this has been mailed out in a previous mail), ”Tingsrätten håller huvudförhandling.
Språkliga och multimodala perspektiv i brottmålsrättegångar”. This seminar is in Swedish
and will be held on zoom (NB: this is not in the IMS zoom room):
Best wishes,
Signe – on behalf of IMS
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Signe Kjaer Jensen
PhD student in Comparative Literature
Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS)
Linnæus University
Department of Film and Literature
351 95 Växjö
signe.kjaerjensen at<mailto:signe.kjaerjensen at>