Hello everyone,
at the last idpy meeting, we started a discussion around normalizing
how idpy projects operate. The goal is to agree on a baseline on how
we treat different project aspects and how we can harmonize those in
order to give users uniform expectations. A user that is familiar with
how project-x works, should automatically be familiar with how
project-y works when they decide to use that too. The first step is to
agree on guidelines, and then have each project steadily work its way
to that. In the process, we should effectively be cultivating a
culture on how we manage projects, and not blindly follow policies.
The initial discussion started around documentation, versioning and
changelogs. Many more things can and should be discussed. Those
include topics such as tooling, CI/CD, testing, packaging, release
schedules, issues management, git-workflow, etc. I will expand on some
of those topics and we can further discuss in this or separate threads
or in the following calls about each one.
## Documentation
I think we can all agree that documentation is important and needed. I
make a distinction between documentation whose audience is a user and
documentation whose audience is a developer. The user-documentation
consists mainly of the project API, how it is used, and use-case
scenarios. The developer-documentation consists of architectural
diagrams, design choices, separation of entities, and general guidance
on how modules are separated and code is organized.
Being part of the python community, the natural tool around
documentation is
https://readthedocs.org/. Readthedocs works in tandem
with Git(Hub) projects, and can automatically be kept in sync with a
- Do we agree to use
https://readthedocs.org/ to publish documentation?
- Should we request PRs to include documentation? or, should we
fill-in the documentation when creating a new release?
## Managing change
### Versioning
What we actually want to do with versioning is _signal_ the type of
changes that are part of a new release. The most common versioning
scheme is semantic versioning (
https://semver.org/) - other things out
there include CalVer (
https://calver.org/) Apache versioning
https://apr.apache.org/versioning.html) and more. However, I think
semver is quite common and probably everyone will agree that it's
fine. Most importantly it achieves the goal of signaling in a simple
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards
compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available
as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
- Do you think we should use semver?
### Changelog
Same as with documentation, the Changelog comes in two flavours - the
changelog that is intended for developers, and the changelog that is
intended for users (aka release notes). The technical-changelog is the
VCS-log itself and contains purely technical entries on how the code
was modified to achieve a certain effect. We have the technical
changelog for free.
On the other hand, the user-changelog has the form of a set of release
notes. The release notes should be enough to explain what’s going on
to someone deploying the package, or to a user that wants to use new
functionality - it is a summary of the new release value. This type of
changelog cannot be autogenerated, and we must write and curate by
hand. As with versioning, there are some formats out there, but I
think something like keepachangelog (
https://keepachangelog.com/) is
easy to use and very close to what most of us would end up with while
trying to specify a consistent format.
When should the user-changelog be updated? Usually this is done either
at release-time.
- Should we maintain a changelog/release-notes?
I will continue this subject with more topics, soon. I'm looking
forward to your thoughts!
Ivan Kanakarakis