On Nov 5, 2019, at 11:10 AM, Roland Hedberg <roland
at catalogix.se> wrote:
On 5 Nov 2019, at 16:31, Heather Flanagan
<hlflanagan at
sphericalcowgroup.com <mailto:hlflanagan at
sphericalcowgroup.com>> wrote:
Hola a todos!
On the call on 29 October, we talked about some changes for the 12 November call. We
could either:
a) find someone else to run the call (Ivan is not available)
b) move the call out one week (so we have a call on 19 November and then back to our
usual schedule on 26 November)
c) cancel the 12 November call and have our next meeting on 26 November.
What are your preferences?
I could run the call but then with the agenda proposal provided by Giuseppe on Slack.
That would probably mean that there would not be a lot of time for pyFF and pySAML2 and
Satosa only in conjunction with OIDC->SAML, SAML->OIDC proxying.
That sounds like an excellent plan! Thank you for offering to run this.