On 9 Jan 2019, at 20:58, Heather Flanagan
<hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> wrote:
Heather, Roland, Christos, Ivan, Mike, Leif, Chris
Action items:
Heather to draft the survey text re: Note Well (assuming the board votes in February to
agree to using a Note Well rather than a formal CLA)
Ivan to update the Security Incident Response plan to indicate that issues will be logged
and kept indefinitely
Heather to send out a calendar invite for TIIME and a doodle poll for the call after
Signing Board Participation agreement
Still waiting on legal approval to do this (Mike). Can not make any formal decisions
until this is done.
CLA or Note Well?
Expect to handle existing contributors and new contributors differently.
We can always ask all existing contributors if they think they had permission to
contribute code via the note well (rather than sign a CLA). “Here is the Note Well we’re
adopting for all future contributions. D you believe you have any problems accepting this?
Do you believe you might not have been able to accept it for your previous
If individuals don’t respond, may need to consider what to do otherwise. We will send the
survey, send a reminder, then start trying for personal contacts. And if none of that
works, we’ll consider what code they’ve submitted and determine if we can do it a
different way. Some of their code might already have been redone so we aren’t as in an
urgent a situation with regards to their contribution.
What about the JOT libraries? This shouldn’t be a problem since only Roland has
contributed. The OIDF might want a CLA from Roland (that is a separate conversation).
JWTConnect not JOT. Actually there are 3 groups of JWTConnect libraries, one per
language (Python, Java and JavaScript).
Each group contains 4 libraries/packages (cryptojwt, oidcmsg, oidcservice and oidcrp).
The group we talked about here were of course the Python one which we should use the name
JWTConnect-Python for as that matches
what’s in the OIDF GitHub repo.
Leif strongly in favor of a Note Well (see draft here:
<https://github.com/IdentityPython/Governance>) rather than a traditional CLA. We
want it to be easy for people to contribute; there is an expense when lawyers are brought
in, and lawyers often don’t understand what we’re trying to do.
Commons Conservancy
Christos has been discussing this within GEANT. GEANT does not have a final answer
regarding IPR, but should have a final answer by the end of this week. They needed
clarification that all the idpy material would remain in the open source domain.
Roland and Mike will not be there; will dial them in from 4pm to 5pm CET (last hour of
the developers meeting)
We should create an e-vote mechanism; perhaps launch at a meeting and let it extend for 3
days for people not able to attend.
Agenda: voting on CLA, Note Well text, IPR, possibly an update from the developers
meeting, talk about how to use an intern
Adding new projects to idpy
pyFF split - the JavaScript component on the front end does not fit into idpy; that
component belongs with the RA21 governance group. The backend remains part of idpy. This
kind of evolution, since it’s not entirely removing the project, a Board decision. Leif
withdraws his request.
Incident Response
Ivan has created the incident-response list. Ivan will add the board members to this
list, as well as some of the key developers for the various projects within idpy.
This came up as result of the following almost-bad security issue:
There should be a page on the website re: how we recognize security research. (Some
researchers contact developers expecting bug bounties. We can’t pay for this, but we can
offer ‘payment’ in terms of recognition.) Look at SUNET’s website for an example.
Heather to follow up on this and add it to the website.
Ivan to update (and Chris to review) the security incident response plan to be explicit
that each item is logged and kept indefinitely in GitHub.
Next call - Heather to send out a doodle poll for end of February/beginning of March
Idpy-board mailing list
Idpy-board at lists.sunet.se
— Roland
It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so
rare. -Mark Twain, author and humorist (30 Nov 1835-1910)