Dear All,
Currently, we are working on Deliverable
'Dissemination and impact report 1'. In the draft, under the heading ‘Publications
and presentations’, we have listed some presentations and 1 publication related to the
Exten(DT)2 project. Could you please let us know if any of the following works are
published or if there are any other publications that we can list in this section. Also
please send us a summary related to the publication that you want us to list there.
1. ‘Enhancing students’ 21st century skills through playing and modifying embodied
digital classification games’ presented at the 16th International Conference on Technology
in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 16) by Marianthi Grizioti and Maria Stella Nikolaou
2. ‘Extending Design Thinking with Digital Technologies" presented at the 20th
Biennial EARLI Conference by Manolis Mavrikis
3. ‘An Embodied Instrumentation Approach for Spatial Thinking development using
Geospatial technology’ presented at the 13th International Conference "ICT in
Education" by Marianthi Grizioti and Christina Gkreka.
4. A keynote speech to the Brazilian Association of Mathematics Education on
"Computational Thinking (CT) and Learning Analytics in Mathematics Education:
Enhancing the programming experiences for Teachers and Students" by Marcelo Milrad
Also, could you give us some information relating to teacher training workshops that you
have organised or will organise up until the end of Jan. You can insert your details on
the table you find in this
It would be great if you could carry out these actions by Friday Jan 26.