Dear all,
Even though we already had 1-1 meetings with most of you about school
interventions, it would be a good idea to have a meeting with all partners
to discuss common issues and questions about this cycle of interventions
I am sending you a doodle with possible dates for next week
Can you please fill it in *by Thursday morning*?
I sent this email to the OMT list, but if you think someone from your team
should attend the meeting please forward them the doodle
Best wishes,
Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Post-doc researcher & software developer
*Educational Technology Lab (ETL) <> *
*Department of Educational Studies*
*National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece*
Research Gate <>
| Academia
<>| LinkedIn
Dear all,
Looking again at the project objectives, we noticed Obj. 4. referring to
building a Network of Schools
So we decided to create an Excel database where we should list all the
schools that showed interest in the project and use this list to create
this network
It doesn't matter if they implemented interventions or not. They can be
schools that participated in the training or just expressed interest in
being informed about project news. What do you think?
*Please have a look at the excel
and make your comments e.g. for adding more columns. *
*Also please include information on the schools you have collaborated with
so far. *
We plan to include this excel in M18 technical report
Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Post-doc researcher & software developer
*Educational Technology Lab (ETL) <> *
*Department of Educational Studies*
*National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece*
Research Gate <>
| Academia
<>| LinkedIn
Dear All
2 Day Physical Meeting at OU (18-19 April)
* If you would like to add anything for the agenda at the two-day meeting at OU please do so here<…> (by the end of tomorrow: Friday 1 March.
EC Review Agenda at UCL
* Following changes proposed at the last OMT meeting here is the revised agenda<…> for the P1 Review at UCL (19 April).
* This, including timings, look fine for our PO.
OMT meeting next week: 8 March: 11.00-12.30 CET
* If you would like anything on the OMT agenda for next Friday, let me know by COB tomorrow: Friday 1st March.
M18 Reporting
* The formal templates and notifications for both technical and financial reporting are expected to be available on the portal tomorrow (1 March 2024).
* @WP leaders: I look forward to receiving your technical reporting, based on the instructions/generic EC templates, by tomorrow Friday 1st March If you need a bit more time, let me know.
* Financial instructions will follow early next week. Please ensure your finance department is ready to work on the requirements. The first deadline will be around Friday 15 March.
Best regards
Dear All,
May I request you to update the following Excel sheet in case you have conducted any workshops with teachers in Y1 or Y2 (up until now) at your earliest convenience? This will help us create the report for M18.…
Dear all,
This is a reminder that we will need you to fill in the feedback template for the "guidelines and framework" by next Tuesday (5 March).
We asked for this at the OMT meeting in December with a deadline at the end of January, but it was not as urgent as other tasks. However, we will report it in the technical report and then we will possibly need to present some findings in the upcoming review meeting.
You can find this template and a readme file (with instructions) in our shared Google folder
In the same folder, there is a questionnaire for the framework, we plan to try and get some responses from networks, before the mid-term review, but it is not urgent for you to take action now.
In March, we will create a link for each partner to use and collect responses from teachers, educational researchers, policy makers etc. (either in English or translated in your language if you want to).
Thank you very much.
Looking forward to receiving your input.
Feiran Zhang
Postdoctoral fellow
Department of Computer Science,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Dear all
Thank you to those who reviewed and left feedback on the surveys for
school students. I have worked through and responded to all comments -
feel free to continue the discussion on any specific points.* If you have
not yet reviewed - please do so by the end of today.*
We are now getting ready to send the revised surveys to 4 children, aged
11/12 (2 in the UK and 2 in Ireland) to gauge whether they are easily
understood by our youngest possible students and how we might rephrase
certain items. The latter is a situation I am keen to avoid as we are using
validated surveys and so changes may require re-validation. However, we
will make a decision on whether a) that will be a useful additional task
and b) feasible when we get the responses back from our young testers.
By the end of the week, we expect to have the final versions of the surveys
available to download for those who are planning on administering the
survey via paper. The Qualtrics version should be ready at the same time.
Tasks for you:
1) If you require the *online version* of the survey to be translated,
please let me know and I will prepare the files for translation to be sent
to you.
2) Once you have a translated version of the survey, please take a moment
to find 1 or 2 local volunteers who will read through the surveys to check
that they understand them the way we understand them - as mentioned before
there are many ways in which translation can change the way an item is
interpreted. You need to *note where challenges with translation arise*, at
the stage of initial translation, testing or even out in schools. And we
will report these in the deliverable where relevant.
All the best,
Dear colleagues
As will be discussed at today's meeting, the pre and post school
intervention surveys have been revised and are available at the following
Pre intervention survey -…
Post intervention survey -…
Please take some time to review these and provide feedback via comments on
the documents *by Friday 23rd February*. You will note some names and
numbers already in the comments - please feel free to ignore these, they
are references to pre-validated surveys and are for design purposes.
All the best
Note: Marcelo will be in Mexico from 10-26 March with limited availability due to time zones, etc..
The previously scheduled meeting on 15 March is cancelled and the meeting moved earlier to: Friday 8 March 11.00-12.30 CET (10.00-11.30 UK time) (12.00-13.30 Greece Time)