Hi Shamim,
Here are the slides for WP2 updates!
Have a wonderful weekend! ☺️ ⭐
From: Shamim Patel
Sent: 02 September 2024 11:45
To: Shamim Patel <shamim.patel(a)lnu.se>; Exten.D.T.2_OMT_Mailing List <extendt2_omt(a)lists.sunet.se>
Cc: Marcelo Milrad <marcelo.milrad(a)lnu.se>; Jake Byrne <BYRNEJ40(a)tcd.ie>; Alisa Lincke <alisa.lincke(a)lnu.se>; Katrien Strubbe <Katrien.Strubbe(a)UGent.be>; christothea.herodotou <christothea.herodotou(a)open.ac.uk>; Sofia Papavlasopoulou <spapav(a)ntnu.no>; Deirdre Green <deirdre.green(a)learnovatecentre.org>; richard.harte <richard.harte(a)learnovatecentre.org>; Eileen.Scanlon <eileen.scanlon(a)open.ac.uk>
Subject: ExtenDT2 OMT Meeting (29 November: 2024: 13.30-15.00 CEST)
When: 29 November 2024 13:30-15:00.
Where: Zoom: https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/65633180984?pwd=AGD5weCGyK3XCtIAbPSyFySBVkDALJ.1&f…
Dear All
Attached is the agenda for our OMT meeting this Friday 29 November: 13.30-15.00 CET.
@WP leaders: Please prepare one slide summarizing your updates, and forward to me before or asap after the meeting.
Zoom link for the meeting: https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/65633180984?pwd=AGD5weCGyK3XCtIAbPSyFySBVkDALJ.1&f…
Full joining details as below.
Best regards
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 | lnu.se<https://lnu.se/en/>
Hi there,
Shamim Patel is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting<https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/65633180984?pwd=AGD5weCGyK3XCtIAbPSyFySBVkDALJ.1&f…>
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID:
656 3318 0984
Join from an H.323/SIP room system
Meeting ID:
656 3318 0984
This meeting is cancelled due to Marcelo and Shamim being on annual leave.
A suggestion is that OMT partners, if working, use this scheduled time to:
* convene individual WP meetings to e.g., discuss and finalise their internal M27 technical reporting if need be, and/or
* do their individual partner internal financial reporting for M27.
Best regards
Dear All
Period 1: EC Experts Scientific & Technical comments
* For the WP technical part of the reporting you should also read the EC Review comments from Period 1.
* Most WPs at individual level received only positive individual feedback
* We are going through the 5 main recommendations in our OMT meetings, and will report on them in a specific separate section in the final P2 report.
* However, if you are responsible for leading on any of the 5 main comments and there is already progress, please also refer and report this within your WP.
Period 1: EC Financial comments
* The EC expert reviewers did not have comments.
* EC’s own financial reviewers had comments for UGent, SIMPLE, NKUA, NTNU and TCD – which were mostly minor and/or resolved.
* They are also attached for your information.
Best, Shamim
Financial Reporting (NB: Not applicable for OU and UCL who I will contact separately for PM info).
This consists of 2 parts to fill in, the Excel Sheet and a Word document with narrative.
Please review in good time before Friday’s OMT meeting, so you can ask any Qs then.
Best regards
1. Excel Sheet (figures)
* There is one tab per partner
* A notes tab for the transfers between SIMPLE/LNU/NKUA and earlier PM adjustments between WPs requested by partners
Action: On your Partner tab: Please report your costs for the 9-month period: 1 March 2024 - 30 November 2024 in the Excel in Column G.
This will automatically update columns H & I in the spreadsheet to M27 (the figures currently showing in columns H & I are those at M18)
1. Word Document (narrative)
For information only:
* Attachment 2 is what partners submitted as their expected costs in the Grant Agreement
* Attachment 3 is what was submitted at M18 in the Technical Report, re costs.
* You should read your own partner summary in attachments 2 and 3 before providing the requested narrative below for M19-M27.
Action: Please create a separate word document and provide the following information (expected length: one third to half a page narrative in total – use Arial Font 10 for your narrative)
1. For each of the three categories: Travel and Subsistence, Equipment, and Other Goods, Works and Services, write a short description of what your costs in M19-M27 consisted of. There is expected to be a connection of the costs to the work reported under the technical part!
2. For the five categories: Person Months Summary, Personnel costs, Travel and Subsistence, Equipment and Other Goods, Works and Services:
- If the total % left at M27 is > 30% or < 20% (in Column H on the excel) , provide an explanation of the deviation.
- Where the % left is >30% provide an indication of whether you will utilize the budget or not by the end of the project. Consider also whether you want to do an internal shift between budget categories and, if yes, provide reasonable justification.
1. If you received any specific comments from the EC/expert reviewers from the Period 1 formal M18 review, make sure they are also addressed.
Dear All
Information and templates for M27 internal reporting (i.e., from 1 March 2024 - 30 November 2024) will be shared in two emails that will follow.
Technical Reporting for each WP should be led by WP Leads as follows:
WP2: Sofia; WP3 &WP8, Eileen & Sagun (in Thea’s absence); WP4: Marcelo/Alisa; WP5: Chronis/Marianthi; WP6: Katrien; WP7&WP9 Jake.
The Leads should amalgamate info and request input from other partner Task leads where relevant.
Financial Reporting email should be addressed as follows:
NKUA; Marianthi; UGent: Karien; NTNU: Sofia; TCD: Jake, SIMPLE: Filothei.
OU and UCL only need to report PMs - and I will get in touch with you separately on that.
Please read instructions for both technical and financial reporting carefully so any questions can be answered and we can agree a timetable for submission at Friday’s OMT meeting.
A reminder:
LNU would like to check with each partner at Friday’s OMT meeting whether a “no-cost” project extension, up-to 3 months, is feasible for your organization. Whilst we would expect all partner/WP Leads to be present at the EC final project review - depending on the work/interdependencies - it should be possible too for some partners to finish at M36 as originally planned.
Best regards
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 | lnu.se<https://lnu.se/en/>
Hello everyone,
The OpenLearn create dashboard shows that only two participants from the UK have enrolled in the pilot course as of now. Could you circulate the information widely?
You may share the following details, or if you find interested participants who would like to enrol, you can share the attached doc to them directly, which has an enrolment key and guidelines to join the course.
A free teacher professional development course 'Teaching with Design Thinking and Emerging Digital Technologies'
Start Date: November 01, 2024
Closing Date: December 20, 2024
Aimed at: Teachers of any level based in Sweden, UK, Greece, Norway, Belgium, and Ireland
Course link: www.open.edu/openlearncreate/ExtenDT2<http://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/ExtenDT2>
Time required for course completion: 12 hours
Contact: extendt2(a)gmail.com<mailto:extendt2@gmail.com>
This online course Teaching design thinking with digital technologies is aimed at teachers or tutors at any level of education including primary, secondary, further and higher education. The course focuses on helping teachers understand what design thinking is and how it can be used with the support of complementary digital technologies, which can enable easy and effective implementation of design thinking in both a physical and an online setting.
We are here for pilot. Very limited seats available at a moment! Please, contact extendt2(a)gmail.com if you are interested in enrolling the course.
This course has been designed by the project Extending Design Thinking with Emerging Digital Technologies (Exten.(D.T.)²<https://extendt2.eu/>). The project has been co-funded by Horizon Europe and Innovate UK and involves partners from Sweden, UK, Greece, Norway, Belgium, and Ireland.
Dear All
Information and templates for M27 internal reporting (i.e., from 1 March 2024 - 30 November 2024) will be shared early next week. We can discuss these and agree a timetable for submission at our OMT meeting next Friday 29 November.
LNU would also like to check with each partner at next Friday’s meeting whether a “no-cost” project extension, up-to 3 months, is feasible for your organization. Whilst we would expect all partner/WP Leads to be present at the EC final project review - depending on the work/interdependencies - it should be possible for some partners to finish at M36 as originally planned.
If you would like any items on the agenda, please let me know by 16.00 CET on Monday.
Wishing everyone a good weekend
Best, Shamim