Hej alla!
Vi ordnar nu äntligen ett seminarium med våra kollegor i Köpenhamn, dock denna gång gästar
oss endast Maximiliam Lasa. Men seminariet kan väcka frågor av intresse för etnografiskt
arbete, så varmt välkomna och sprid gärna.
allt gott Åsa
Islamic Educational Activities in Europe: Engagement, Re-articulation, and Self-Formation
Welcome to a seminar with Maximilian Lasa, Copenhagen University. The seminar focuses on
Maximilian’s research and raises themes of religious engagement, self-making processes,
and the role of education in religious contexts and elsewhere. In his dissertation “German
Muslims on the International Theology Programme in Turkey: Temporalities, Spatialities,
and Contingency” (2022), Maximilian analyses German Muslim’s motivation and experience of
studying Islamic theology and how their studies shaped their sense of self. His research
was part of a larger project Rearticulating Islam: A New Generation of Muslim Religious
Leaders financed by THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS. In addition to speaking about his PhD,
Maximilian will take the chance to sketch out ideas for a future research project
addressing the matter of critique in Islamic theology at the secular university.
Time: 15-15 -17.00
Place: H1272V. It is also possible to participate by zoom, please mail Åsa,
asa.trulsson(a)lnu.se for a link
allt gott Åsa
Åsa Trulsson, fil dr/PhD
lektor, kultursociologi
Senior lecturer, cultural sociology
Programansvarig Programmet för Integration och Mångfaldstudier
Affiliated with LNUC for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Platform
Migration and Center for Cultural Sociology
Institutionen för Kulturvetenskap, Linnéuniversitetet
Department of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University
From: Åsa Trulsson
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 12:54:41 PM
To: etnografisktforum(a)lists.sunet.se
Subject: Re: Intressant seminarium
Hej alla
Eftersom det blåser upp till tågstrejk behöver vi ställa in morgondagens seminarium om
Islamic Educational Activates in Europe: Engagement, Re-articulation, and Self-Formation.
Våra gäster riskerar annars inte att komma hem till Köpenhamn igen. Vi hoppas på en ny
chans tidig höst, om någon är intresserad eller har möjlighet då.
allt gott Åsa
Åsa Trulsson, fil dr/PhD
lektor, kultursociologi
Senior lecturer, cultural sociology
Programansvarig Programmet för Integration och Mångfaldstudier
Affiliated with LNUC for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Platform
Migration and Center for Cultural Sociology
Institutionen för Kulturvetenskap, Linnéuniversitetet
Department of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University
From: Åsa Trulsson <asa.trulsson(a)lnu.se>
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 11:48 AM
To: etnografisktforum(a)lists.sunet.se
Subject: [Etnografisktforum] Re: Intressant seminarium
Hej alla igen
Förlåt dubbelpostning kring detta. Seminariet den 11 maj kommer att äga rum i M1076 men
jag har bokat en mikrofon-uggla som ska möjliggöra uppkoppling om det behövs. Meddela mig
om du vill delta på zoom!
trevlig helg Åsa
11 May, 15.15- 17, M1076
Seminar: Islamic Educational Activates in Europe: Engagement, Re-articulation, and
Welcome to a seminar focusing on two recent dissertation projects by Maria Lindebæk
Lyngsøe and Maximilian Lasa, Copenhagen University. The seminar focuses on Maria and
Maximilian’s research which raises themes of religious engagement, self-making processes,
and the role and function of education in religious contexts and elsewhere. Maria’s and
Maximilian’s work also concerns themes of ethnographic practice in transnational spaces
and in the shadow of the pandemic.
In Engaged Subjects: Danish Muslim Women’s Islamic Educational Activities (2022), Maria
focuses on Muslim women’s religious roles, everyday practices, and processes of learning
Islam in Denmark. She is inspired by a Deleuzian framework in analyzing the engagements
and entanglements of a pious everyday life. In German Muslims on the International
Theology Programme in Turkey: Temporalities, Spatialities, and Contingency (2022),
Maximilian analyses German Muslim’s motivation and experience of studying theology and how
their studies shaped their sense of self. Their research was part of a larger project
Rearticulating Islam: A New Generation of Muslim Religious Leaders financed by THE VELUX
Åsa Trulsson, fil dr/PhD
lektor, kultursociologi
Senior lecturer, cultural sociology
Programansvarig Programmet för Integration och Mångfaldstudier
Affiliated with LNUC for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Platform
Migration and Center for Cultural Sociology
Institutionen för Kulturvetenskap, Linnéuniversitetet
Department of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University
From: Åsa Trulsson
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 9:53:43 AM
To: etnografisktforum(a)lists.sunet.se
Subject: Intressant seminarium
Jag vill bara bjuda in alla till ett seminarium där Maria Lyngsöe (som varit med några
gångor i etnografiskt forum) talar om sin spännande forskning kring muslimska kvinnors
religiösa engagemang i Danmark. Hon presenterar tillsammans med Max Lasa som forskat om
unga muslimer från Tyskland som engagerar sig i teologisk utbildning i Turkiet. Båda har
precis försvarat sina avhandlingar vid Köpenhamns universitet, båda arbetar etnografiskt
och deras forskning väcker intressanta frågor av relevans också utanför
religionsvetenskapen. Vi har just nu M1076 som sal, men jag undersöker möjligheterna till
en hybridsal och återkommer kring detta.
Tiden är 11 maj 15-17
Seminar: Islamic Educational Activates in Europe: Engagement, Re-articulation, and
Welcome to a seminar focusing on two recent dissertation projects by Maria Lindebæk
Lyngsøe and Maximilian Lasa, Copenhagen University. The seminar focuses on Maria and
Maximilian’s research which raises themes of religious engagement, self-making processes,
and the role and function of education in religious contexts and elsewhere. Maria’s and
Maximilian’s work also concerns themes of ethnographic practice in transnational spaces
and in the shadow of the pandemic.
In Engaged Subjects: Danish Muslim Women’s Islamic Educational Activities (2022), Maria
focuses on Muslim women’s religious roles, everyday practices, and processes of learning
Islam in Denmark. She is inspired by a Deleuzian framework in analyzing the engagements
and entanglements of a pious everyday life. In German Muslims on the International
Theology Programme in Turkey: Temporalities, Spatialities, and Contingency (2022),
Maximilian analyses German Muslim’s motivation and experience of studying theology and how
their studies shaped their sense of self. Their research was part of a larger project
Rearticulating Islam: A New Generation of Muslim Religious Leaders financed by THE VELUX
allt gott Åsa
Åsa Trulsson, fil dr/PhD
lektor, kultursociologi
Senior lecturer, cultural sociology
Programansvarig Programmet för Integration och Mångfaldstudier
Affiliated with LNUC for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Platform
Migration and Center for Cultural Sociology
Institutionen för Kulturvetenskap, Linnéuniversitetet
Department of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University