Doktorandtjänst i teknikhistoria vid Chalmers STS-avdelning utlyst - deadline 10 januari - sprid gärna vidare till potentiella sökande! Hälsningar, Per
Från: Saara Matala <matala(a)>
Skickat: den 17 november 2022 14:26
Till: TME STS Personal <personal-sts.tme(a)>
Ämne: PhD position in history of technology
Dear colleagues,
The call for applications for PhD students in the history of technology is now open:…
Please don't hesitate to share the advertisement with newly and nearly graduated who might be interested in joining our division.
Best regards,
Dr. | Postdoktor
Teknikens ekonomi och organisation | Technology Management and Economics
Avd. för Teknik, vetenskap och samhälle | Div. of Science, Technology and Society
Chalmers tekniska högskola | Chalmers University of Technology
Vera Sandbergs Allé 8
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Hej alla!
(Ursäkta eventuell dubbelpostning)
Nu är det dags att nominera till "Bengt I Lindskogs pris för värdefull medicinhistorisk studie" samt att ansöka om stipendier inom medicinens historia från Bengt I Lindskogs stiftelse. Såväl pris som stipendier kan även tilldelas studier inom medicinsk humaniora.
Sista datum för nominering och ansökningar är den 15 december. För mer information, se stiftelsen hemsida:
Vänliga hälsningar
Anna Tunlid
Welcome to take part in the 11th Stockholm Archipelag Lecture:
The Less Selfish Gene: Forest Altruism, Neoliberalism, and the Tree of Life
with Rob Nixon
Time: Thu, Nov 10, 2022, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM, CET
Location: On zoom:
Why have millions of readers and viewers become magnetized by the hitherto arcane field of plant communication? Since the great recession of 2008, we have witnessed an upsurge in public science writing that has popularized research into forest sentience, forest suffering and the forest as collective intelligence. This talk roots the current appeal of forest communication in a widespread discontent with neoliberalism’s antipathy to cooperative ways of being. Nixon argues that the science of forest dynamics offers a counter-narrative of flourishing, an allegory for what George Monbiot has called “private sufficiency and public wealth.
Rob Nixon is the Barron Family Professor in Environment and Humanities at Princeton University. His books include, most recently, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor. Nixon is currently completing a book entitled Blood at the Root. Environmental Martyrs and the Defense of Life. Nixon writes frequently for the New York Times. His writing has also appeared in The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, The Guardian, The Nation, London Review of Books, The Village Voice, Aeon, Orion, Critical Inquiry and elsewhere. Environmental justice struggles in the global South are central to Nixon’s work. He is a particularly fascinated by the animating role that artists can play in relation to social movements.
The lecture consists of a key note talk followed by a Q&A session, where the zoom audience will get a chance to ask questions to Rob Nixon.
Sofia Jonsson,
on behalf of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory
[Kth Logo]
Sofia Jonsson
Administrative Group Manager
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Department of Philosophy and History
Div. of History of Science, Technology and Environment
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
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