  • 8 participants
  • 9 discussions
Hagströmerföreläsning 16/11 på Karolinska Institutet, tema pandemier
by Eva Åhrén
2 years, 4 months
cfp konferensen Early Modern Women on Politics and Ethics
by Cecilia Rosengren
2 years, 4 months
Lychnos CfP Arctic Dreams
by Jenny Eklöf
2 years, 4 months
Svenska idéhistorikermötet
by Anna Larsson
2 years, 4 months
Svenska historikermötet 2023
by Anna Larsson
2 years, 4 months
FW: Symposium on Science, Technology & the Human Future
by Henrik Björck
2 years, 5 months
ny adress för ILH-L
by Gustav Holmberg
2 years, 5 months
CFP: Eighth Annual Conference on the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS)
by Per Wisselgren
2 years, 5 months
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