Attendees: Roland, Mike, Heather, Leif, Chris, Christos, Ivan
0) Agenda bash
1) Governance status
- Note Well approved 1 May 2019
Heather has sent a copy to the discuss list, and added a link to the
<> website.
- MoU with OIDF - status
Mike will ping the OIDF people
- Commons Conservancy next steps
Michiel of CC suggests doing more to make copyright attribution more blatant. Their best
In general, good to have either ra single file in the root folder of a repository to
capture the license and copyright for the whole project (and possibly the exceptions) or
have something in each individual file. Right now, we have at least a license file in each
repository. Satosa also has a notice file.
Our response could be that we’ve considered that approach, but we have the Note Well and
the license files now, and consider that enough.
Action: Heather to ask CC why they think having a single license file per project is
insufficient; if we can avoid adding a header to every single file, that would be nice,
esp. given we already have this info in the license file.
Action: Heather to post on the <> website that we are now a
project in Commons Conservancy.
2) Development Update (Ivan)
Satosa concerns were raised by a member of the community. The board should talk about
whether we have sufficient resources for this (and other) idpy projects to make them
See Ivan’s response to this particular concern here:
Projects are always open to more volunteers, but there is a bottleneck in terms of having
the big architecture picture in order to review and approve code. Suggest we take this
back to the developers call about how to resolve.
If there is a resource problem, is there a specific ask to the board? Is there a request
for more resources? Need clarification.
Worth noting that quite a number of PRs have been reviewed and accepted, so work has been
happening. Suggest we ask the developers how often a release should happen, and who can
help review the code.
Developers had come up with a plan for releases and tagging, but need to finish merging
open PRs to get to a steady baseline.…
If resources are needed, suggest using Hannah temporarily if that would be helpful. Need
guidance on what skills are needed to move projects along if we’re going to find more
Ivan would appreciate help with documentation (e.g., use cases as collected at TIIME,
ready-made docker or vagrant files where we can set up the flows for the use cases). The
hardest part is keeping in mind the bigger picture against the changes people propose to
the project design.
For the developers call: more releases, or more stability?
Action: Heather to send out a doodle poll to set up a idpy dev call for a time other than
the normal Tuesday 14 May call.
If there is a specific request for a particular kind of resource that comes out of the
developers meeting, Heather will bring that back to the board.
3) Meeting at TNC19?
Full idpy board will meet for drinks/dinner on Sunday evening. Schedule for after speakers
reception. Heather to coordinate
4) AOB
Regarding the number of projects listed in GitHub, there are three repositories for the
federation work, but Roland works in just one. If those three repositories need to be
reorganized, that’s up to the lead developer of the project. Just send an email to the
list of the changes as an FYI.