Hello everyone,
On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 18:02, Heather Flanagan
<hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> wrote:
call on the calendar. Initial agenda items will
include discussing and
possibly approving the use of Commons Conservancy as our IPR home, the
pros/cons for requiring a CLA (and possibly making a decision on that),
and review the criteria for bring in new projects to idpy.
An initial discussion around CLAs had taken place on the mailing list:
and, the related discussion for the criteria for new projects:
I'm placing those here as references to what has already been said, so
everyone is up to date and/or to remind themselves where the
discussion was left.
And we have a winner for our call time!
Tuesday, 13 November @ 20:00 UTC
I will get an invitation sent out shortly - it will come from from
invite at