Bästa förksarkollegor,
Den 26 september 17:15 går nästa Hugo Valentin-föreläsningen av stapeln, tillika den tjugoförste i ordningen. Föreläsningen kommer att hållas av professor Jan Grabowski (University of Ottawa) under rubriken “Whitewash? Holocaust Distortion in Poland”. Det är ett högaktuellt och viktigt ämne, och vi ser fram emot en givande och insiktsfull eftermiddag. För mer information, se bifogad pdf – sprid den gärna vidare till era nätverk!
För ytterligare information hänvisas till bifogad pdf- sprid gärna vidare till er nätverk.
Hjärtligt välkommen!
Roland Kostić
Associate Professor in Peace and Conflict Research
Senior Lecturer in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Hugo Valentin Centre
Uppsala University
Office: +46 (0)18 - 471 5731
Email: Roland.Kostic(a)valentin.uu.se
Facebook: https://goo.gl/ILZdPS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uu_hvc
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy
Bästa nätverksmedlem,
Den 17:e september håller professor Vincente Sánchez-Biosca (Univerity of Valencia) föreläsningen under rubriken “The Death in their Eyes. Perpetrator Images and the Visual Representation of Genocide”. För ytterligare information hänvisas till bifogad pdf.
Hjärligt välkommen!
Roland Kostić
Associate Professor in Peace and Conflict Research
Senior Lecturer in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Hugo Valentin Centre
Uppsala University
Office: +46 (0)18 - 471 5731
Email: Roland.Kostic(a)valentin.uu.se
Facebook: https://goo.gl/ILZdPS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uu_hvc
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy
Kära forskarnätverket,
Jag bifogar ett Call for Papers till en konferens i Lissabon om pressen och Förintelsen som kanske kan vara av intresse, se nedan. Vid frågor, hör av er till Claudia Ninhos på mejl claudia.sn(a)fcsh.unl.pt
Vänliga hälsningar Karin
Dear Colleagues,
The Institute of Contemporary History from the NOVA University of Lisbon is organising a conference on the press coverage of the Holocaust that will take place in Lisbon on 21 and 22 November 2024. I would like to ask your help by sharing the call for papers among your mailing list.
You can find more information here: https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/events/press-holocaust-2024/
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Cláudia Ninhos
Investigadora Júnior
Colégio Almada Negreiros
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Karin Kvist Geverts
Docent i historia och föreståndare/Associate professor and Director
Svenska institutet för Förintelseforskning
The Institute for Holocaust Research in Sweden (IHRS)
Phone: +46708990014
E-mail: karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se
Website: www.ihrs.se<http://www.ihrs.se>
Hej Nätverket,
Bifogat finner ni höstens program för seminarieserien Att minnas, forska och utbilda om Förintelsen som ges vid SKI, Malmö universitet under höstterminen 2024
Med seminarieserien Att minnas, forska och utbilda om Förintelsen utforskar vi tillsammans med forskare och efterlevande till Förintelsen olika sätt att minnas, berätta, dokumentera, samla, forska, förmedla och utbilda om Förintelsen. Seminarieserien drivs i regi av forskningsprojektet Minne och aktivism som finansernas av Vetenskapsrådet (2023-05994) i nära samarbete seminariet i Historia och Historiedidaktik vid Institutionen Samhälle, Kultur och Identitet (SKI) vid Malmö universitet.
Det går bra att delta på plats i Malmö eller via zoom.
Varmt välkomna,
Malin Thor Tureby & Kristin Wagrell
Malin Thor Tureby
Professor of History
Head of Research - Department of Society, Culture and Identity
Malmö University
+46 (0)40-66 57 867
Välkommen till ett öppet seminarium i centrala Stockholm torsdag 19 september kl 15-19 för att uppmärksamma 80 år sedan Förintelsen i Ungern 1944-1945!
Det var 80 år sedan det sista kapitlet av Förintelsen genomfördes i Ungern under 1944-1945. Det här seminariet vill uppmärksamma kampen om överlevnad och hur Förintelsen påverkat efterkommande generationer. Delta i seminariet för att höra de sista överlevande och andra generationens överlevande berätta om sina erfarenheter och minnen. Seminariet lyfter även de mer okända svenska hjältar som bidrog till att räddningen av judarna i Budapest 1944-45 blev en relativ framgång mot alla odds. Varmt välkomna att dela den här speciella eftermiddagen med oss!
Tillsammans med Gellert Hardi-Kovacs<https://www.facebook.com/gellert.kovacs.94?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZXryFCwHvSRpvlwj…> och Susanne Berger och med stöd från Forum för levande historia, Judiska församlingen i Stockholm, World Jewish Congress har vi bjudit både överlevande och andra generationens överlevande.
För att delta klicka på "Anmäl" i länken nedan. Adressen kommer skickas ut som ett separat mejl efter anmälan.
Öppnande och introduktion
15.00-15.10 Gellert Hardi-Kovacs<https://www.facebook.com/gellert.kovacs.94?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZXryFCwHvSRpvlwj…>
Översikt över Förintelsen i Ungern
15.10-15.30 Anders Blomqvist "Förintelsen i Ungern"
Överlevnad - överlevande berättar
15.30-15.50 Georg Sessler "De judiska arbetskompanierna och Förintelsens början i Ungern"
15.50-16.10 Dina Rajs "Hur jag som liten judisk flicka hamnade i Budapest och fick choklad av Raoul Wallenberg"
16.10-16.30 Kate Wacz "Mitt arbete som ung kurir för Raoul Wallenberg"
16.30-16.45 Frågestund
16.45-17.00 Paus
17.00-17.20 Elisabeth Fogel "De väntade sig inte det otänkbara - Riszis och Leibis väg från Sighet till Göteborg"
17.20-17.40 Margit Silberstein "Förintelsens barn - om känslan att finnas till i stället för alla dem vars liv slutade i en gaskammare."
17.40-18.00 Tomas Kertesz "Vera Krémer - överlevande?"
18.00-18.15 Frågestund
18.15-18.30 Paus
Okända hjältar
18.30-18.50 Gellert Hardi-Kovacs/ Susanne Berger "The courage to act - the many unsung heroes of the Swedish rescue action and the Hungarian resistance"
Med vänlig hälsning
Anders Blomqvist
Anders Blomqvist
Universitetslektor historia
Högskolan Dalarna
Institutionen för Kultur och Samhälle
791 88 Falun
Senaste publikationer:
- Deportations of Roma from Hungary and the Mass Killing at Kamianets-Podilskyi in 1941, https://doi.org/10.1093/hgs/dcae010
- Grundläggande, interkulturell och specifika strategier för undervisning om kontroversiella frågor, kap 10
- Att undervisa om negativa stereotyper, rasism, minoriteter och Förintelsen, kap 11.
I läroboken "Att undervisa om kontroversiella frågor". https://www.gleerups.se/universitet-och-hogskola/lararutbildning-grundskola…
Welcome to this academic seminar in central Stockholm 19 September commemorating 80 year since the Holocaust in Hungary!
This academic seminar brings together international scholars, with a special focus on previously unexplored aspects of the Swedish rescue actions in Hungary; the activities and contacts of the Hungarian resistance; as well as new insights about the brutal mechanisms of the perpetrators and the complex forces of survival.
This seminar is organized by Gellert Hardi-Kovacs<https://www.facebook.com/gellert.kovacs.94?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZV4hKYuoy3LfqGUY…>, Susanne Berger and Anders Blomqvist<https://www.facebook.com/anders.blomqvist.56?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZV4hKYuoy3LfqG…> with support from Forum For Living History, World Jewish Congress and the Jewish Congregation in Stockholm.
Everyone is welcome to join. Please complete the registrations using this link by clicking "Anmäl"
Moderator Gellert Hardi-Kovacs<https://www.facebook.com/gellert.kovacs.94?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZV4hKYuoy3LfqGUY…>
09.00-09:10 Welcome
The Perpetrators
09.10-09.30 Anders Blomqvist "Local Economic Motives for Deporting Jews"
09.30-09.50 Áron Máthé "The Arrow Cross and the Hungarian militia"
09.50-10.00 Q&A
10.00-10.20 Coffee Break
The Swedish Rescue Actions
10.20-10.40 Ágnes Harrach "The Swedish Red Cross in Hungary - the Work of Valdemar and Nina Langlet"
10.40-11.00 Friederike Kind-Kovács<https://www.facebook.com/friederike.kindkovacs?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZV4hKYuoy3Lf…> "Why Not a Righteous Among the Nations? Asta Nilsson and the rescue of Budapest's Jewish Children"
11.00-11.10 Q&A
The Hungarian Resistance
11.10-11.20 Nóra Szekér "The Ference Koszorús-action of July 1944"
11.20-11.40 Réka Kiss-Földváry "Géza Sóos and the Protestant Church rescue networks in Hungary"
11.40-12.00 Susanne Berger/Gellert Hardi-Kovacs "The secret Swedish-Hungarian intelligence sharing agreement of 1943-44"
12.00-12.10 Q&A
12.10-13.10 Lunch
13.10-13.30 Kata Bohus<https://www.facebook.com/bohuskata?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZV4hKYuoy3LfqGUYmlu6WVsM…> "Iron pills, quarantine, and the beautiful sea: Female Hungarian Jewish survivors' accounts of post-war
rehabilitation in Sweden"
13.30-13.50 Dóra Pataricza<https://www.facebook.com/dora.pataricza?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZV4hKYuoy3LfqGUYmlu…> "From Szeged to Sweden and back: Stories of Holocaust survival and restarting life"
13.50-14.00 Q&A
Best regards,
Anders Blomqvist
Anders Blomqvist
Senior lecturer in History
Dalarna University
School of Culture and Society
791 88 Falun
Latest publications:
* Deportations of Roma from Hungary and the Mass Killing at Kamianets-Podilskyi in 1941, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, https://doi.org/10.1093/hgs/dcae010
* Anti-fascism and the nationality question in the ethnic Romanian-Hungarian borderlands: The case of Satu Mare 1930-1938, in Ahlbäck & Brakén, Anti-Fascism and Ethnic Minorities.
* The unwanted citizens: The 'Legality' of Jewish destruction in Croatia and Romania during World War II" together with G. Miljan, Comparative Legal History, https://doi.org/10.1080/2049677X.2023.2270390
Dear all,
Samuel Merrill of Umeå University wishes to spread the word about this job opportunity as a post-doc in his project Never Forget vs Never Happened, see below. If you have any questions, please contact Samuel on samuel.merrill(a)umu.se
Wishing you all a wonderful summer!
Warm regards
Dear all
I’m advertising for a postdoctoral researcher on the project I am leading. Can I please ask you to share this in your networks and with interested and relevant candidates?
This is a two-year post-doc in the project Never Forget vs. Never Happened: Holocaust Commemoration & Contestation on Social Media. The focus is on EN, SV & DE linguistic settings with interviewing & computational methods. Deadline 23 Aug
Many thanks!
Karin Kvist Geverts
Docent i historia och föreståndare/Associate professor and Director
Svenska institutet för Förintelseforskning
The Institute for Holocaust Research in Sweden (IHRS)
Phone: +46708990014
E-mail: karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se
Website: www.ihrs.se<http://www.ihrs.se>
Call for Papers:
Eastern European Holocaust Studies
“Children and Childhood in the Holocaust in Eastern occupied territories.”
Perceptions, Actions and Limitations of Children in the Holocaust.
For many children war and persecution meant the end of their childhood in “conventional sense” now and then. About 1,1 million Jewish children lost their lives in the Holocaust. Approximately 400,000 further underage victims from other ethnicities should also be acknowledged. The lives of those who survived were shaped by the traumatic experiences.
The research field of childhood experience in Eastern Europe under German occupation faces complex questions and moral dilemmas concerning the capacity of children to act and their liability. Approaches in Holocaust research with a socio-historical perspective therefore require an in-depth analysis of the society in the territories in which the Holocaust took place. Micro-historical approaches are developing increasingly complex analyses of individual crime scenes and more and more include the local community as an “actor”. Beyond the categories of “perpetrators, victims and bystanders” (Hilberg) emerges a “grey zone”, which reveals a range of choices for locals under German occupation.
Coping strategies with the German occupation were entangled with gender, material preconditions and, to a greater extent, age. The complex of childhood in the Second World War and the Holocaust has been portrayed heterogeneously in the post-war period. Children were generally excluded from history or memorized as vulnerable and inactive martyrs. From a historical perspective, this imagined passivity cannot be maintained. While Jewish children were marginalized, exploited, and murdered as victims of the nazi extermination policy soon after the German invasion of the Soviet Union, there were other conditions for children who belonged to the majority society in which they had to ensure their survival. Beyond German extermination policy in Eastern Europe, recent research shows a wide range of policies in treatment of children, such as the enslavement as forced worker (Ostarbeiter), the colonization of ethnic German children in what is now Ukraine, the forced Germanization of Polish children, the mobilization of Belarusian children in the White Ruthenian Youth Work, the penal camps and extermination for young Roma in Estonia, to name fates of children under German occupation in their various forms without claiming to be exhaustive.
This prompts us to ask how children navigated their choices for action under the constraints, demands and dangers they faced under occupation. And it seems like being a child was not solely a deprivation in the struggle for survival but could be used even more as a “resource” as the historian Yulia von Saal puts it. By focusing more on the “agency” of the child, completely new research perspectives emerge.
Beyond the genuinely historical perspective, newer research approaches, particularly from the memory studies, can be used to take an analytical look at the oral history testimonies of children and point out their special features. How do childhood experiences and narratives differ from those of adults? How can testimonies of children be interpreted with the right hermeneutics? Oral history is now considered to be the most versatile medium of children's memories, additionally autobiographies, drawings and all other material and immaterial cultures of children would be an interesting object of research. Furthermore, psychological research of children in the Holocaust and its aftermath concerning traumatic experiences are appreciated.
Given this background, a special issue of Eastern European Holocaust Studies will focus on the complex of children and childhood in the Holocaust in Eastern occupied territories. Articles of 7,000 words (including references) in English or Ukrainian are invited on any of the following themes:
- Relationships between Jewish and non-Jewish children before, during and after the war
- “Daily life” of Jewish children in camps and ghettos
- Means of survival. Hiding, evasion and help for Jewish children
- Means of resistance. Jewish and non-Jewish children's activity in the resistance
- Commemoration and Memorization. Representation of children in the Holocaust in memorial landscapes and collective memory
- Forced labor, captivity, reprisal and deportation. Nazi policy towards children in the occupied territories of Eastern Europe
- Germanization, colonization, politicization. Mobilization of children in the occupied territories of Eastern Europe
- Memory Studies and Oral History. Perspectives on childhood memories in relation to trauma and reliability
- Differences and perceptions. Comparative analysis of childhood and adult narrative
- Adultification. Children as family providers and as heads of families
- Perception of Gender. Normative expectations of “girls” and “boys” shaping their means and limitations for action
- Vulnerable bodies. Children as victims of sexual violence
- Orphanages as ambivalent spaces for survival and persecution
- In the “grey zone”. Children between forced requisition and collaboration
- Witnessing the Holocaust. Children as eyewitnesses of atrocities, shootings and violence
- Object history and immaterial legacies. Products of children during the Holocaust like drawings, magazines, games, diaries and jokes
- Justifying the Unjustifiable. The perpetrators' narratives of the murder of children during and after the Holocaust
Please submit abstracts of 500 words and a short bio until first of November 2024, to the following e-mail address: eehs(a)degruyter.com<mailto:eehs@degruyter.com>. Authors will be notified of acceptance shortly after. The language of submission is English or Ukrainian.
Malin Thor Tureby
Professor of History
Head of Research - Department of Society, Culture and Identity
Malmö University
+46 (0)40-66 57 867
From: Michael Scholz <michael.scholz(a)ires.uu.se>
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 8:07 PM
To: karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se <karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se>
Subject: SV: Tips! Nytt temanummer av NJ om antisemitiskt konspirationstänkande
Hej Karin,
kanske av intresse - Hanna Arendt.
Michael F. Scholz
Professor i modern historia
IRES - Institutet för Rysslands- och Eurasienstudier
Uppsala universitet - Campus Gotland
Cramérgatan 3
621 67 Visby
+46 73 461 8630
Från: karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se <karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se>
Skickat: den 1 juli 2024 13:09:21
Till: ffss(a)lists.sunet.se
Kopia: kjetil(a)jodiskmuseumoslo.no
Ämne: [Ffss] Tips! Nytt temanummer av NJ om antisemitiskt konspirationstänkande
Kära nätverket,
CC Kjetil,
Jag vidarebefordrar tips från Nicola Karcher och Kjetil Braut Simonsen om nytt temanummer av Nordisk Judaistik om antisemitiskt konspirationstänkande som säkert är av intresse för flera av er.
Glad sommar önskar Karin
Kjære kollegaer,
Nordisk Judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies publiserte fredag denne uken et spesialnummer om antisemittisk konspirasjonstenkning i de nordiske landene i tidsrommet 1917 -1945. Gjesteredaktører for utgaven er Nicola Karcher og undertegnede, og den har The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945
Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities som full tittel. Foruten bidrag fra Finland, Sverige, Danmark og Norge, er også to komparative artikler som belyser utviklingen i henholdsvis Spania og Storbritannia inkludert. Vi kommer til å arrangere et lanseringsarrangement på Jødisk museum i Oslo i høst, mer info om dette følger etterhvert (datoene blir 21./22. august).
Hele utgivelsen er tilgjengelig herfra, https://journal.fi/nj
for å lese introduksjonen, som også inneholder en oversikt over de enkelte artiklene, kan dere følge denne lenken: https://journal.fi/nj/article/view/142243
Ønsker dere alle en god sommer,
hilsen Nicola og Kjetil
Karin Kvist Geverts
Docent i historia och föreståndare/Associate professor and Director
Svenska institutet för Förintelseforskning
The Institute for Holocaust Research in Sweden (IHRS)
Phone: +46708990014
E-mail: karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se
Website: www.ihrs.se<http://www.ihrs.se>
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När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy
Kära nätverket,
CC Kjetil,
Jag vidarebefordrar tips från Nicola Karcher och Kjetil Braut Simonsen om nytt temanummer av Nordisk Judaistik om antisemitiskt konspirationstänkande som säkert är av intresse för flera av er.
Glad sommar önskar Karin
Kjære kollegaer,
Nordisk Judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies publiserte fredag denne uken et spesialnummer om antisemittisk konspirasjonstenkning i de nordiske landene i tidsrommet 1917 -1945. Gjesteredaktører for utgaven er Nicola Karcher og undertegnede, og den har The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945
Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities som full tittel. Foruten bidrag fra Finland, Sverige, Danmark og Norge, er også to komparative artikler som belyser utviklingen i henholdsvis Spania og Storbritannia inkludert. Vi kommer til å arrangere et lanseringsarrangement på Jødisk museum i Oslo i høst, mer info om dette følger etterhvert (datoene blir 21./22. august).
Hele utgivelsen er tilgjengelig herfra, https://journal.fi/nj
for å lese introduksjonen, som også inneholder en oversikt over de enkelte artiklene, kan dere følge denne lenken: https://journal.fi/nj/article/view/142243
Ønsker dere alle en god sommer,
hilsen Nicola og Kjetil
Karin Kvist Geverts
Docent i historia och föreståndare/Associate professor and Director
Svenska institutet för Förintelseforskning
The Institute for Holocaust Research in Sweden (IHRS)
Phone: +46708990014
E-mail: karin.kvist.geverts(a)ihrs.se
Website: www.ihrs.se<http://www.ihrs.se>