Hej alla!
Se mejl från NORDUnet nedan. Om det efter helgen dyker upp problem så låt
oss veta det via media(a)sunet.se
Finally good news.
A new version of the Recording Connector has been made available and will
be deployed during the weekend. The new version includes the fix for the
recording problem that we have been struggling with.
We are however reluctant to say that the problem has been fully fixed by
During the next weeks we will monitor closely to verify that no recordings
are being lost and that the recording flow is stable.
If you encounter any issues please let us know immediately.
Jørgen Qvist
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster
System administrator - Educational Services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58