Fwd: [Mediagroup] New licenses from Zoom - Trying again
by Monika Allöv Andersson
Hej alla!
Några har redan upptäckt att det ser annorlunda ut i Zoom-admin-portalen
under Account Management och Billing.
Våra Webinar 1000 Promotion licenser står som Cancelled och istället har vi
fått Webinar 1000. Likaså har Zoom Events också blivit Cancelled, men
ersatts av Zoom Event Unlimited.
Se text från NORDUnet nedan.
Oklarheter? Skicka som vanligt in tickets till media(a)sunet.se
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: www.sunet.se <https://sunet.se/>
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Från: Bo Sixten Ståhle <bss(a)nordu.net>
Date: tis 29 aug. 2023 kl 14:03
Subject: [Mediagroup] New licenses from Zoom - Trying again
To: mediagroup <mediagroup(a)lists.nordu.net>
Cc: Jørgen Qvist <qvist(a)nordu.net>
Hi All,
Has been brought to my attention that the following never made it to the
maillinglist, so here we go again.
As people have noticed some types of licenses have been Cancelled.
The good news is we have replacement licenses to added to the accounts.
The bad is that all accounts will have to reassign the new license types to
the users with the old.
Licenses in question are
- Webinar 1000 - Promotion
- Zoom Event (all types)
They will be replaced with
- Webinar 1000
- Zoom Event Unlimited (All types)
This is also a good time to check that you have the number of licenses that
you think you have ordered.
If you encounter any errors in assigning the new licenses please contact
support through the normal structure.
And be aware that some of the now cancelled licenses run out 2023 September
30th, that leaves one month to get the licenses reassigned
to avoid interruption of service for the affected users (Webinar and Zoom
Kind regards,
Bo S Ståhle
Media Services Engineer
Mobile: +4553747706
Kastruplundgade 22, 1. floor
DK-2770 Kastrup
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